Blackstaff Tower Building / Landmark in Waterdeep | World Anvil
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Blackstaff Tower

Blackstaff Tower is a forbidding structure and one of the most recognizable landmarks in the Castle Ward of Waterdeep.   The tower is made out of smooth black stone, with no windows or doors.  From the outside, the structure appears to be a three-story stone tower, but inside there are at least a dozen or more levels.  Some of these only reachable through magical means.


Originally built by Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun in the 1300's.    After the death of Khelben, his heirs to the title of Blackstaff used the tower as both a home and a place of power.  In fact, the tower became so linked to the Blackstaff that, upon the death of their master, the heir must immediately travel to the tower.  On at least two occasions, the Blackstaff died outside of the tower and the heir was driven insance until they returned to the tower.

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