Plain of Korshin Geographic Location in Vyraj | World Anvil

Plain of Korshin

Plain of Korshin, which is the south-eastern part of the Great Eastern Plain, makes up the majority of the northern territories of the Grand Principality of Korshin and is what gave the Grand Prinicipality its name. It is a region of fertile lands which provide the whole country with grain as well as are a source of its riches. The grain is exported to other countries around the Vessian Bay. At the same time, the plain is very scarcely urbanized and most of its inhabitants live in the countryside. They are either peasants or nobility who own the land.

Korshin. Heart of our realm. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than seeing the golden fields of Korshin.
— A noble

Hero of the realm

The plain is named after a mythical hero, Anton Korshin. According to legend, Anton was the founder of the city of Korshon and the first ruler of this land. It is said that he died on this plain defending his people from an invasion from the north. When he died, his soul is said to have left his body and pushed away the attackers before being absorbed into the ground. Many people believe that Anton's soul still protects the plain and country from anyone and anything that can bring harm.

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Cover image: Forest by jplenio on Pixabay


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