Cult of Ipos Organization in Vuria | World Anvil
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Cult of Ipos

The Cult of Ipos is a cult of actors, performers, hedonists, and sadists under the leadership of a Demon Lord named Ipos operating throughout Vuria.


While Ipos is the obvious leader of the cult, but beyond that, the Cult of Ipos lacks a formal structure. The cult members despise rules or anything that curtails their "artistic creativity," so there are no rules other than the precept to please their demonic master. They might attack each other on the street during the day and then go to the same revelry at night. The cult operates in very loosely affiliated "troupes," each usually led by a singular leader, and each with its own sphere of influence, commodities, and cult followers.

Public Agenda

The spectacle and thrill of it all guide the Cult of Ipos, and there is little thought to consequences—ever. The Cult of Ipos is driven by a desire to entertain themselves and they don't care who they hurt along the way.
Religious, Cult

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