Nastia Nyeltov Character in Vrethis | World Anvil
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Nastia Nyeltov

Nastia Nyeltov

Nastia was born of the unholy union of vampire and human, and after literally clawing her way out of her mother's womb her father was left with a child he could only be ashamed of. Not quite vampire, not quite human, and accepted by neither society. for the first 60 years of her life Nastia was made to work as a gargoyle, and after another 145 of grovelling and lowly work, Nastia rebelled, shunning her family and turning her back on vampire society.   Nastia travelled the world working more jobs than any mortal could dream of, writing tales of her travels, singing songs and making poetry, all while hunting and draining men from across the world. She finally felt true power.   The road was good to Nastia, though she had a change of heart about her lifestyle. Stalking men was no longer scratching her vampiric itch and the only thing she could think about was her father. She wondered if he'd felt the same change too. Though if she stood any chance of finding out she needed to rustle up a monumental apology.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Slender, but often hidden beneath large dresses.

Body Features

Unnaturally pale skin, small waist.

Identifying Characteristics

Subtle fangs and a touch of red in her dark eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Large opulent dresses, a parasol for the daytime and black, round glasses.

Mental characteristics


Nastia has worked more jobs than the average lifetime. Her favourite jobs include: Peddler of cursed jewelry, Peddler of cursed oysters, Peddler of cursed ornaments, Peddler of cursed books, Peddler of cursed clothing, Curse removal specialist, Phlebotomist, Snake charmer, Witch hunter, Conductor, Night watchman, Gargoyle, House cat, Bat.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Nastia is an accomplished author under the penname 'Duchess X'. Her romance trilogy 'Moonlight' actually became a best seller.

Personality Characteristics


Once driven by the desire to drink the blood of mortal men - Nastia has had a change of heart. She now seeks magical items to present to her father, not only as a valuable apology, but also as a show of how she's grown in power.

Likes & Dislikes

Hates witches and werewolves.   Likes following men from the shadows.

Nastia Nyeltov, outcast noble and cunning author.

View Character Profile
Dark red/brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The sun is a big yellow ogre"   "May I come in?"     "HIIIIIIISSSSSSS"

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