Dragonborn Settlements Geographic Location in Vrashyn | World Anvil
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Dragonborn Settlements

The Dragonborn Settlements are a group of three Dragonborn colonies in Eastern Vrashyn. The Dragonborn are a recent presence on Vrashyn, first showing up in the historical record in 2885 in Aasimar duty logs. From Athan, the Dragonborn took advantage of the chaos caused by the The Dasylirion Breakout(article:a0946f0b-eaf9-4382-bec3-d9e7107f76c7) of 2885 AK to found their settlements. Though the climate is anathema to most other races, @[Lizardfolk, Tortle, and academically curious travelers of all races frequent the settlements to take advantage of the great libraries and tutors the Dragonborn are so well known for. For many Dragonborn, the settlements serve as a home to return to when not serving a Dragon in some faraway land. Most Dragonborn who live in the Settlements share the blue and metallic coloration of the region's Dragons, though red and brown Dragonborn are not an uncommon sight. The latter colors are sometimes viewed with suspicion due to the numerous wars between the Settlements and Snflmz. There is also some conflict within the settlements, including an ongoing regional dispute between the major cities of central and western Faklayn and the inhabitants of the eastern peninsula.
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