Heads or Tails? The Mark of the Dark Mistress Item in Vos | World Anvil
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Heads or Tails? The Mark of the Dark Mistress

A lot of strange folk come through River's Wheel. I sees 'em all the time, all times a day. They never pay me no mind lest they catch me swiping their coin purses. All the rich folks that live here - the merchants and the vineyard owners and such - don't like to talk about it, but River's Wheel ain't as nice as it looks on the surface. It sure makes a pretty little picture, a island between the rivers Duln and Sarecci, but when the rich folks talk about it, they like to leave out how many bodies wash ashore.
Most of the times they just end up as food to the giant gars, but sometimes they're belly up in the sand. Someone gets hisself too drunk at a pub and thrown in the river, or a stable boy got too handsy with the lady of the house. No one misses 'em. Funny thing is, most of the time they turn up, they have goodies in their pockets. Oi, I know what you're thinking but don't you go judging me. Times is hard for us orphans during the war.
Anyways, me and me mates were down on the docks with our hooks looking for bobbers - that's what we call the dead 'uns that float - and we hooked us a big one! Piero was the biggest, so he had to haul this fat old bird in. We had to be careful 'cause he was all bloated and not just from living the high life.
"Would ya look at those buttons!"
Nicola gasped in her mousy little voice. No doubt it was one of them fancy coats with embroidery and the like.
We had a squabble over digging through his effects, but in the end Piero got the first pick since he was the only one able to reel the bobber in. He took the bugger's rings - the squishy fingers made a nasty noise when he had to break 'em off - and let Nicola have his buttons. I, of course, got stuck with the pocket change. It weren't all bad though. A few coins is better than nothing and I could buy meself some hot food for the next few days and a new pair of socks.
You best believe I went and did just that! I was at the general store down on Mud Street - I forget the real name - and I had meself a pair of socks and even some knickers! I like paying for things when I can. The folks 'round here are real nice (most of the time) and they help us lil ones out when theys able, so I only steal from the locals when I gotta. I was fishing through my new coin purse, trying to find the silver for the old lady Miss Esposito when I found a funny coin. I'd been so hasty I forgot to count this time, so I didn't see the lil bugger until now.
"Wot's this?"
I wondered aloud, holding the thing up. It was a silver coin, but it didn't look like a Crown. Maybe it used to be a Crown, cause it was round like one. One side of the coin was scoured and re-stamped with - get this - a black skull of all things. On the other side... a ruby! A real ruby! At least I think it was a real ruby 'cause I never seen one afore now. I was too busy marveling at this coin when I heard Miss Esposito knock her candy jar over. The clay pot went bash! and it make me jump. Shame to waste all that pink taffy. I saw Miss Esposito make the sign of the House, touching her fingers to her heart, her lips, and then to her forehead, her eyes fixed on the coin. A second later she shooed me out! She even threw my socks and knickers at me, told me to just take 'em!

I took the coin back home and showed it to Piero and Nicola. They tried to swipe it from me, but I was too quick. That's when the blighters ganged up on me and knicked it! Some friends they are. Piero ran off and got us a bunch of food and wine. He said it worked in the market too! Anyone he showed the coin too told him to bugger off! How mad is that? He said he wanted to use the coin to get hisself a new pair of shoes, so I agreed as long as he gave it back. Lo and behold it worked, and Piero came parading around in his new slacks. He went to go show his lil girlfriend on South Street, but not before he gave me back me coin. That's when Nicola came after me!
she begged in the most annoying way possible, "I just wants a new dolly!"
"Wot 'appened to your last one?"
I poked her between the eyes. She gave me big eyes and whined like a kicked pup, so as you can see she suckered me into it. I had no choice. I let her palm the coin and off she went, chipper as a lark. I rolled my eyes and found my knife.
Nicola came back later, a dumb little doll with ribbons and bows in tow. "Ain't Piero back yet?" she chirped.
"No, why?"
I fetched my throwing knife from the post, not paying her any mind.
"Cause I... I went by South Street and couldn't find him nowheres..."
she stammered.
I corrected her and she stuck out her tongue at me. "Watch that thing or I'll cut it off!" She put her tongue back right quick when I showed her my knife.
"He prolly just went to the water mill with Lucie again to kiss and stuff." She left me alone after that, all grossed out.
We figured Piero would be back by morning but... he never showed. 'Round afternoon I roped Nicola into helping me look for him. We thought maybe he took some of that wine and had too much to drink, so I sent her to check some of his usual haunts. I kept the shiny new coin with me because I wanted to hit the shops while we looked for the dog. I figured it was my turn to get something nice like them. Socks and knickers weren't gonna cut it!
I managed to weasel a new hat and a vest out of the tailor, do you believe it?! Feeling like a thousand Crowns, I made it to the candy store for some roast nuts and honey drops. Those are my favorite. I love 'em getting caught in my teeth and having to pick 'em out. It always grosses Nicola out, but I shares 'em with her anyways.
It was getting close to sun down and I'd checked all of Piero's favorite spots - even the old broken bridge and I hate going there 'cause it's so high up - and he was nowhere! I gave up and headed home before the guards could catch me. They gets a bit rowdy at night 'cause they start drinking when no one's about and if you're a rat like me you don't wanna be caught by the cat when he's mad!
"You find the blighter, Nicola?"
I hollered, slamming the old, raggedy door. I heard it splinter a lil and winced. That'll be someone else's problem. I looked around, realizing I was the only one home. I called out again, but Nicola weren't around... I shrugged and went to light the lanterns. They were probably playing a trick on me so I just gave up and went to sleep. Being rich for the day sure takes a lot out of you!

In the middle of the night I heard the door open. It rattled on the hinges from when I slammed it. I figured it was Piero or Nicola so mumbled for 'em to bugger off and rolled over. A hand clamped down on my shoulder, cold as ice. That woke me up right quick.
"Shh, shh..." a woman's voice hushed me. Looking up at her, she wore a hood and maybe it was the darkness, but I could swears her eyes was black. "Are you the little one with the special coin?" She asked me. Her voice sounded like satin or smoke, if either of those things had a voice. I nodded and she grinned. Her teeth were white and pretty.
"Show me." She said and by the way she talked, I knew I should act smartish and I nodded. Her hand pulled away and I fumbled with my pockets. Where in the hells was it?! I felt a fleeting sense of relief as I pulled it from the breast of my new vest and held it up. I swallowed, feeling sweaty even though it was cold out. The lady plucked it from my fingers and held it up to the moonlight, making the ruby sparkle.
"I've got one just like it. Would you like to see?" she asked, keeping her creepy smile. I nodded again, afraid to speak. She reached into her dark coat to pull out a small object, but the moment I saw the glint of steel I bolted. Everything happened so fast I can scarcely understand. One second I was making a break for the window, the next my muscles stopped moving. I heard a rustle of fabric and the sound of her speaking in an odd language before it happened. I was forced to watch as she sauntered around, clucking her tongue like a bawdy old hen at me.
"You shouldn't play with toys you don't understand." She showed me the matching coin in her other hand. It was identical to mine and I couldn't tell which was hers. "How about this? I'll make the game fair. Heads, I'll bring you with me to learn a thing or two. Tails, I'll - well..." she smirked and it put a cold feeling in my stomach. Sweat dripped down my brow, making it itch. I still couldn't move no matter hard I tried.
The lady rested the coin on her thumb. It let out a sharp ting! as she flipped it. She caught it, opening her palm to look at which side faced up. Slowly, the corners of her mouth curled up to her ears in a smile that made me want to retch. Her breath was like a snake's hiss.
"What a shame..."

The last thing I remember thinking was that the ruby on the coin must have been real because it was the same color as my blood.

Manufacturing process

One surface of the coin is melted and re-stamped with the Cult's symbol: a black skull. The other side is set with the ruby.


These Marks are only held by verified members of the Cult of the Dark Mistress.
Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Uncommon to Rare, depending on location in Ordia.
A few ounces
1.5 inched in diameter, .25 inches thick
Raw materials & Components
1 Silver Crown, one small ruby worth at least 20 GP.

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