The Cavat Pact in Vorandril | World Anvil
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The Cavat Pact

The pact that was formed between Folco Bloodtrack on behalf of the Bloodtrack Clan and Count Orchid on behalf of the The Orchid Court.


Through this pact the following conditions are observed.

  1. Designated members of the Bloodtrack Clan, who will become known as The Cavat Conclave are granted free passage through Gredel Forest and beyond by members of The Orchid Court.
  2. The Bloodtrack Clan shall give tribute to Count Orchid in payment for safe passage.
  3. The Cavat Conclave can freely enter the Feywild through the entryways controlled by The Orchid Court
  4. The outer edges of the Gredel Forest are not considered part of the Orchid's territory and as such can be freely traversed by any.
  5. Permits free trade between members of both organizations with the understanding that no physical or mental harm will befoul either party. It does not however guarantee fairness of the deals made, so both sides are free to stack the odds in their favor.


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