Luciana Zabala Character in Voracia | World Anvil
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Luciana Zabala

Luciana "Luci" Zabala is a battle-hardened mercenary whose life has been defined by adversity and resistance. Born on Virelia, a planet consumed by war, she experienced trauma firsthand when she saw her family brutally executed. Following this, she endured years of abuse and exploitation, becoming ensnared in the dark world of trafficking. She managed to escape her captors during a rebellion, channeling her anguish into a fervent desire for justice and change. This led her to join the rebel faction known as Virelian Valor where she honed her combat skills and became a seasoned veteran. On the battlefield, her reputation for tenacity and precision grew, leading her to be sought after for high-risk operations. Now, as a part of Minerva's Whisper's security detail, Luci is a force to be reckoned with, ensuring the safety of the ship and its crew with a mix of vigilance and lethal prowess.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Luci was born on the tumultuous planet of Virelia, a world ravaged by civil wars and external invasions. From a tender age, she witnessed the horrors of conflict, and her life took a nightmarish turn when her family was mercilessly executed in front of her. The subsequent years were a blur of captivity and torment, as she was forcibly inducted into the shadowy underworld of trafficking.

Gender Identity

Female; Luci has always identified with her birth gender, using it as a pillar of strength in a world that often tried to strip her of agency.


Bisexual; Luci has had relationships with individuals of various genders, though she seldom discusses her personal life.


Formal education was a luxury Luci never experienced due to the chaos on Virelia. However, she received extensive combat and tactical training within Virelian Valor, and she's also self-taught in various subjects from books and data she's come across.


After escaping her captors, Luci found solace and purpose within the ranks of the Virelian rebels. She quickly rose through their ranks, her natural aptitude for combat shining through. After narrowly escaping Virelia with her life, she leveraged her skills as a mercenary, undertaking various assignments across the galaxy. Currently, she serves as the chief security officer aboard the ship Minerva's Whisper.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Led a crucial assault against enemy lines which resulted in a pivotal victory for the rebels.
  • Rescued several prisoners from trafficking networks.
  • Ranks among the 95th percentile of the galaxy's most valuable independant mercenaries by the Intergalactic Mercenary Guild.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Unable to save her younger brother during their family's execution.
  • Once misjudged an alliance which resulted in a botched operation.

Mental Trauma

The violent death of her family and years in captivity left deep scars on Luci's psyche. She suffers from occasional nightmares and has been diagnosed with PTSD, which she combats with sheer willpower and occasional therapy sessions.

Intellectual Characteristics

Luci is sharp-witted and observant, always analyzing her surroundings. While not classically educated, she possesses a street-smart intelligence, adept at reading people and situations.

Morality & Philosophy

Luci operates on a personal code of honor. She despises oppressors and has a soft spot for the underdog. While she can be ruthless in combat, she never harms innocents and always strives for justice, even if it's through unconventional means.


Trafficking, especially of children, is a profound taboo for Luci due to her traumatic past. She goes out of her way to combat such networks whenever she encounters them.
29 (Earth years)
She, Her, They
Woman, Non-Binary
Androgynous leaning Feminine
Hazel, almond-shaped, alert
Black, short, and slightly wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light with a neutral undertone
170 cm
68 kg
Known Languages
Virelian (native tongue), Galactic Common, and two other regional dialects she picked up during her mercenary travels.


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