Kitiona Castillo Character in Voracia | World Anvil
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Kitiona Castillo

Kitiona "Kit" Castillo is not just an independent online journalist; he's a catalyst for change. His investigative prowess and fearless tenacity have made him a household name in Voracity, a place fraught with mysteries and hidden truths. Kit's primary focus is uncovering inconsistencies and injustices regarding laws and policies. While these policies, often inspired by the enigmatic Benefactors, might seem benign or even beneficial to many, Kit's probing often reveals the unspoken ramifications or potential for abuse. His stories, a blend of meticulous research and deeply human narratives, resonate profoundly with his readers. The resulting groundswell of public sentiment frequently compels the Benefactors and the governing bodies to reevaluate and sometimes even amend their decisions.   However, despite the changes his writing has effected, Kit harbors a gnawing suspicion about the Benefactors. Even though they've never threatened him, and there's no concrete evidence to suggest they harbor malevolent intentions, he can't shake off the feeling that something is amiss. It's this gut instinct, coupled with his unwavering dedication to the truth, that keeps him digging deeper, even when faced with immense challenges. The Acolytes of Benefaction, a group fervently devoted to the Benefactors, have never targeted Kit, reaffirming his belief that he's on the right track. Through thick and thin, Kit's commitment to justice and transparency remains unshaken, as he continues his quest to shed light on the shadows that lurk within Voracity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kitiona was born in the heart of Voracity, in a neighborhood renowned for its vibrant art scene and bohemian lifestyle. His parents were activists, encouraging independence from the influence of the Benefactors. From them, Kit learned the values of truth, justice, and perseverance. Growing up, he witnessed the nuances of governance and the veiled truths that often lie beneath the surface.   At the age of 17, his parents were abducted during a protest by the the Acolytes of Benefaction. The Acolytes stated that they had been given to the Benefactors to be forgiven. Their remains have never been found. It was reported and believed that they were sacrificed through incineration. Three cultists were arrested for the murders. The Acolytes have publicly denounced the murders and the perpetrators, and firmly state that they do not perform sacrifices on any biological creatures, living or dead, human or otherwise.

Gender Identity

Male. Kit identifies with the gender he was assigned at birth and uses he/him pronouns.


Bisexual. Kit has always believed in the fluidity of love and has had meaningful relationships with people of different genders.


Kit graduated with a bachelor's degree in Journalism and Political Science from the University of Voracity. He later pursued a master's in Investigative Journalism, where he honed his skills in deep-dive research.


After completing his master's, Kit began working for a local newspaper, the Voracity Voice. But, frustrated by the paper's hesitance to challenge the establishment, he soon transitioned to online journalism. He founded his independent platform, "Castillo's Kit", where he started publishing his in-depth stories.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Exposed a significant graft scandal that led to the ousting of three city officials.
  • Awarded the "Voracity Truth Bringer" award for his relentless pursuit of transparency.
  • His independent platform, "Castillo's Kit," reached one million subscribers in its third year.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • In his early days, Kit published a story without verifying a crucial source, leading to widespread criticism.
  • Once misinterpreted a policy in one of his articles, which led to unwarranted panic among readers.

Mental Trauma

Witnessing the arrest of his parents during a peaceful protest at a young age has left an indelible mark on Kit's psyche. He grapples with recurring nightmares of that day and has developed a deep-seated distrust of authoritative figures.   Has a deep hate for the Acolytes of Benefaction after the loss of his parents.

Intellectual Characteristics

Analytical and keenly observant. Kit has a knack for connecting seemingly unrelated dots, which often results in groundbreaking stories. He's an avid reader, often immersing himself in historical texts and sociopolitical critiques.

Morality & Philosophy

Kit believes in the inherent goodness of people and that systems, not individuals, are often the root of societal problems. He values truth above all and believes that transparency can pave the way for a just society.


Kit avoids profiting off someone else's misfortune. He refuses to monetize stories that could exploit vulnerable individuals or sensationalize tragedies.
Current Location
Date of Birth
14th of October
Year of Birth
28 PA 69 Years old
He, Him
Dark brown, almond-shaped
Black, short afro
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep brown
187 cm
82 kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Fluent in English and Voracian Creole. He also has a basic understanding of some phrases and phonetic pronunciations that seem to originate from the Benefactors, which he learned during his investigations.


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