The Kingdom of North Crestamoore Organization in Volhira | World Anvil

The Kingdom of North Crestamoore

In the cold reaches of Crestamoore Proper, where the land of giants once held sway, the Kingdom of North Crestamoore stands as a solemn testament to a storied past. Forged from the remnants of the once-great Kingdom of Crestamoore, this proud nation clings to its traditions and the echoes of its former glory, even as it embraces the authoritarian rule that defines its present. With its majestic capital, Val Thoria, at the helm, North Crestamoore remains a formidable power in Volhira, even as it navigates a complex web of alliances and conflicts with its neighbors.   The kingdom's landscape is a stark contrast of craggy, barren terrain and vast boreal forests, shaped by the harsh climate that has, in turn, hardened its resilient people. The architecture of North Crestamoore is an awe-inspiring testament to the artistic influences of ancient civilizations, while its infrastructure reflects the roots of its society in a bygone era. Yet beneath the surface of its grandeur lies the iron grip of its ruler and the ever-present weight of its authoritarian regime. In a world that shifts and changes, the Kingdom of North Crestamoore endures, a somber bastion of human civilization clinging to power and tradition.  



The Kingdom of North Crestamoore traces its roots back to the once-great Kingdom of Crestamoore, which was established following a historic fey-human alliance that brought an end to the reign of the giants in Volhira. The Kingdom of Crestamoore rose to prominence, amassing power and wealth. However, over time, the kingdom devolved into a dictatorship, enforcing strict order and discipline upon its citizens while allowing corruption to fester among its wealthy officials.  

Landmark Events

The harsh rule and corruption within the Kingdom of Crestamoore eventually sparked the Crestamoorian Civil War, as southern citizens rose up against their oppressors, demanding freedom and liberty. The war concluded with the defeat of the northern forces, who were forced to retreat to the northern area of Crestamoore Proper. In the wake of the conflict, the south broke away to form the Union of South Crestamoore, while the remnants of the old kingdom became the Kingdom of North Crestamoore.  

Recent History

Now under the rule of King Petronax, the Kingdom of North Crestamoore stands as a somewhat fledgling shell of its former self. While still possessing enough military power to be a formidable threat in any conflict, resources are scarce, and both citizens and elites face more challenging lives compared to the kingdom's days of glory. Clinging to tradition and seemingly uninterested in progress or evolution, the Kingdom of North Crestamoore faces an uncertain future as it grapples with the consequences of its past.  



King Oppius Sertorius Petronax rules the Kingdom of North Crestamoore, a stern and bitter man who clings to the glorious past of the former Kingdom of Crestamoore. A dominant ruler, King Petronax makes all national decisions, often disregarding his council of advisors who serve more as a symbol than as actual consultants. Cruel and self-assured, the king rules his kingdom with an iron fist and demands unwavering loyalty from the lords governing the various cities within the kingdom.  

Structure & Justice

The Kingdom of North Crestamoore operates under a very formal rule of law, with a strict and heavy-handed justice system. Crimes are punished swiftly, with criminals often made public examples to ensure the obedience of the citizenry. This unforgiving approach to justice suggests that the kingdom has not learned from its past, continuing to believe that harsh rule is the only path to stability. This inflexibility in the justice system has led to an atmosphere of fear and distrust among the population, with many citizens feeling oppressed and longing for change. Despite this, the kingdom's leadership remains steadfast in its belief that a harsh approach is necessary for maintaining order and control.  

Foreign Relations & Defense

The foreign relations of the Kingdom of North Crestamoore are complex and predominantly poor. While maintaining a tenuous peace and engaging in trade with the Union of South Crestamoore, its alliances with the gromdyr city-states of Skryuhl and Fjarmourne are also fragile. The northern Mjorgath Empire poses a constant concern, but no conflicts have erupted thus far. Despite its diminished wealth, the kingdom invests heavily in its military, making it a formidable opponent for any potential invaders. The well-equipped and well-trained standing armies in each city, particularly in the capital of Val Thoria, exemplify the strong militaristic culture within the kingdom.  

People & Culture


Population: 373,000 (80% Human, 11% Shee'lyth, 5% Seedheart, 4% other)  

National Culture & Values

In the Kingdom of North Crestamoore, the national culture and values are deeply intertwined with the rulership and the strict control of cultural narratives. The military is revered as protectors and saviors, owing to the past successes of the former Kingdom of Crestamoore. A strong religious culture devoted to the Nine Gods prevails, with worship of other deities being frowned upon and deemed illegal by the justice system. A sense of national superiority persists among citizens, who often believe they reside in the greatest kingdom of Volhira, clinging to the past glories and accomplishments of their land.  

Religion & Education

Religion plays a significant role in the daily lives of the Kingdom's citizens, with the Nine Faces being revered and numerous temples dedicated to these gods throughout the cities. Belief in the Nine Faces is expected, and those who follow other deities or reject the gods do so at great risk, often in hiding. Education is not as highly valued, with many religious institutions serving as the primary centers for learning. The Kingdom does have two major universities, but they are closely monitored and controlled by the government, limiting the scope of intellectual freedom and growth.  


Political Geography

The Kingdom of North Crestamoore occupies a strategic position at the northern end of the region known as Crestamoore Proper. It shares borders with a variety of neighbors, including the Northern Frostlands to the north, the Union of South Crestamoore to the south, the shee'lyth protectorate of Daes Sunval to the southwest, and the untamed wilds of East Crestamoore to the southeast. A vital river flows from the south, connecting North Crestamoore to Crowburgh and Zelwulf in the Union of South Crestamoore, serving as a crucial lifeline for trade and communication between the two nations.  

Physical Geography

The landscape of North Crestamoore is defined by its cold, craggy, and barren terrain, which gives way to a vast boreal forest in the western part of the kingdom. The region's climate is defined by its harsh winters and relatively mild summers. Two immense lakes adorn the kingdom, with one nestled beside the capital city of Val Thoria, and another to the southeast near Volcatius. These bodies of water not only provide essential resources for the kingdom's inhabitants, but also serve as natural focal points for settlement and development throughout the realm.  

Industry & Trade

Agriculture & Industry

In the Kingdom of North Crestamoore, agriculture is limited due to the colder climate and less fertile land compared to its southern neighbor. The kingdom's focus is primarily on mining, which is a significant industry, providing essential minerals and metals to drive its economy. However, mining activities must be conducted cautiously, as the nearby mountains are under the jurisdiction of Skryuhl, and encroachment on their territory could lead to tensions. Additionally, the vast boreal forests in the western part of the kingdom provide a valuable source of wood, supporting the timber industry and fueling construction efforts.  

Trade & Transport

Despite the strained relationships, the Kingdom of North Crestamoore maintains trade agreements with the Union of South Crestamoore, Skryuhl, and Fjarmourne. Trade with the Union of South Crestamoore is particularly crucial for the kingdom's food supply, as its lands are not as arable. The large river that runs through the territory serves as a vital transport route, connecting the kingdom to its southern neighbor's cities, Crowburgh and Zelwulf. This river network facilitates the movement of goods and people, strengthening economic ties and ensuring the exchange of essential resources.  

Imports & Exports

Due to its reliance on imports, particularly food from the Union of South Crestamoore, the Kingdom of North Crestamoore engages in a constant exchange of goods to sustain its population. In return, the kingdom exports mining materials, such as minerals and metals, which are abundant in the region. The timber industry also contributes to its exports, with wood from the forested regions being a valuable commodity. These trade relationships, while vital for the kingdom's survival, can also be a source of tension, particularly when territorial disputes arise over mining operations or other resource-extraction activities.  

Architecture & Infrastructure


The architectural style of the Kingdom of North Crestamoore is unique. The buildings feature grand columns, intricate friezes, and elaborate domes, showcasing a mix of classical and medieval influences. Stone and timber from the region's forests are the primary building materials, resulting in structures that are both sturdy and visually striking. The kingdom's colder climate has also shaped the architectural design, with buildings often featuring steeply pitched roofs to shed snow and insulate the interiors, as well as thick walls to protect against the harsh elements.  


The infrastructure of North Crestamoore includes cobblestone streets, fortified city walls, and towering castle-like structures dominating the landscape. Despite the challenging terrain and colder climate, the kingdom's infrastructure is robust, with well-maintained roads connecting the cities and towns. The large river that runs through the territory is a vital aspect of the kingdom's infrastructure, providing a means of transport and enabling trade with neighboring regions. Bridges, often crafted from stone and featuring decorative arches, span the river and create vital links between communities. The architectural and infrastructural design elements not only reflect the kingdom's historical influences but also its resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations