Harrington Cornell Character in Volhira | World Anvil

Harrington Cornell

High Councilor of Silverport

Harrington Cornell is the current High Councilor of Silverport and is considered the second most important political leader in the Union of South Crestamoore. He was recently elected to the seat for a third term and is quite popular among the denizens of Silverport due to his ability to be a benevolent ruler while still maintaining justice and proper order. Cornell earned his extraorrdinary reputation and respect as a General during the Crestamoorian Civil War, earning renown for his courage and keen mind for battle strategy. His victory in the Battle of Crowburgh, a battle in which southern forces were outnumbered by the north four to one, earned him notoriety for his brilliant use of the nearby mountains to launch a surprise attack and decimate the invaders.   Harrington Cornell is known as a dedicated family man that believes in hard work and perseverance. He has taken his role as High Councilor seriously and is less inclined to engage in court politics than other Councilors. This has earned him a reputation of being crass among other political leaders. He is direct, focused, stern, and not easily charmed or manipulated. He exudes confidence but seems to be more humble than proud.   Harrington is tall and relatively fit for his age, although he is starting to show a slight belly. His hair is shoulder length, dark brown hair touched with the grey of someone who has seen the horrors of the battlefield. His eyes are a piercing blue and display very little emotion. A deep scar runs across his face and it is rumored this was suffered during his courageous victory in Crowburgh.
Current Location
220 lbs
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations