Answood Settlement in Volhira | World Anvil


Answood is a unique city that rests on the western edge of the Urskaru Woods, a massive deciduous forest. It is located about three days' travel east of the main river that supplies most of the Union, and about three days' travel southeast of the massive Avalogne Lake. The forest provides a major source of natural resources for the city, with timber being the primary industry. The city's architecture reflects its proximity to the forest, with wood being the dominant building material. Trade is limited to the other Union cities to the west, and the city does not see many visitors due to its remote location.   Prior to the Crestamoorian Civil War, Answood was a city of the Kingdom of Crestamoore and was primarily used to extract wood for use by the kingdom. This created significant conflict with the seedkin of Urskaru Woods, who were less friendly towards the kingdom's exploitation of the forest. There were frequent skirmishes between the city's inhabitants and the seedkin. As the civil war began to escalate, local rebels combined forces with the seedkin to drive representatives of the Kingdom out of Answood. This resulted in the city becoming an important base for the rebel forces.   After the civil war ended and the Kingdom fled Answood, the seedkin and rebels negotiated peace and an agreement for the sustainable harvesting of wood that respected the forest. The city became a part of the newly-formed Union of South Crestamoore, which was founded with the goal of promoting peace and stability throughout the region. The city has since developed a strong sense of community and cooperation with the seedkin, as well as a deep respect for the forest that surrounds it. Today, Answood continues to thrive as a hub for timber production, and remains an important part of the Union's economy and culture.


Answood is a city that values its independence and self-sufficiency. The High Councilor of Answood, Aine O'Rourke, is known for her unwavering commitment to her city's autonomy. The government of Answood is highly decentralized, with most decisions being made at the city level. Councilor O'Rourke serves as a figurehead for the city, representing Answood's interests in the Union of South Crestamoore's government. She is highly respected among the people of Answood, who view her as a capable and fair leader.   Answood's government places a great deal of emphasis on protecting the city's natural resources. The Urskaru Woods, which surround Answood, are a vital source of timber for the city's economy. However, Answood's access to the forest has been threatened in recent years by a new leader of the seedkin that dwell there. Councilor O'Rourke has been working to negotiate a new agreement with the seedkin that would allow Answood to continue to harvest timber while also respecting the seedkin's territory. The councilor has also been working to diversify Answood's economy, encouraging the growth of other industries that are not as reliant on the Urskaru Woods.


Answood's location on the edge of the Urskaru Woods means that the city has a natural defense in the form of the dense forest. However, the city also has a wooden palisade surrounding it, which serves as an additional barrier against potential threats. The palisade is made of thick logs and reinforced with stone foundations, making it difficult for attackers to breach. There are watchtowers placed along the palisade, allowing the guards to keep watch for any signs of danger.   In addition to the palisade and watchtowers, Answood also has a small but well-trained militia to defend the city. The militia is made up of volunteers from among the citizens of Answood, many of whom are skilled hunters and woodsmen. They are equipped with bows and arrows, as well as swords and axes, and are trained in guerrilla warfare tactics to help them fight effectively in the dense forest. The High Councilor also maintains a small force of professional soldiers, but they are primarily responsible for maintaining law and order within the city rather than defending it against external threats.

Industry & Trade

Answood's industry is largely dominated by the timber trade due to its proximity to the vast Urskaru Woods. The city's location allows for easy access to the forest, making it a hub for logging and timber production. The people of Answood are skilled in carpentry and woodworking, crafting beautiful furniture, and other wooden items that are sold to other cities in the Union. While the timber trade has been the mainstay of Answood's economy, the recent rise of a new seedkin leader in Urskaru Woods has threatened the city's industry. The new leader has become less friendly towards Answood, which has resulted in a decrease in timber production and trade.   In addition to the timber trade, Answood engages in trade with other cities in the Union. While the city is not a major trading hub, it does have a small market where local artisans sell their crafts and goods. The city's proximity to the Urskaru Woods also makes it a hub for hunting and trapping, with many skilled hunters selling their wares in the market. However, due to its isolated location and lack of major waterways, Answood does not see as much trade as other cities in the Union. Nevertheless, the city's skilled artisans and craftsmen continue to produce high-quality goods that are highly sought after by those who are fortunate enough to come across them.


Answood has basic infrastructure such as roads and bridges. The city's roads are mainly dirt, and only a few main roads are paved with cobblestones. The small creek that runs through the city is used for irrigation, as well as providing some water for the city's residents. Due to the city's location on the edge of a massive forest, the use of wood in construction is common, with wooden bridges and buildings being prevalent. The city's walls are also made of wood, although they have been reinforced with stone at key points for added strength.   In terms of transportation, Answood has limited options due to its distance from the main river and lake that supply the Union. However, the city has a small port on the creek that can accommodate small boats, and the city's carpenters are skilled at building wooden carts and wagons for transporting goods overland. The city also has a marketplace where goods can be bought and sold, and there are several inns and stables for travelers passing through. Overall, while Answood's infrastructure may not be as developed as larger cities in the Union, it serves the needs of its inhabitants and visitors.


Answood's architecture is strongly influenced by the surrounding forest, as wood is the primary building material used for structures. The buildings have a rustic appearance, with wooden beams and thatched roofs. The use of timber in construction is not only practical but also culturally significant, as it represents the city's dependence on the forest and the relationship between the people of Answood and their environment. The use of natural materials in construction creates a harmonious blend between the city and its surroundings, creating a unique aesthetic that is both functional and beautiful.   In terms of design, Answood's architecture follows a typical Crestamoorian style, with a central square and narrow streets that meander through the city. The buildings themselves are often multi-story, with the upper floors overhanging the lower floors, providing shade and shelter from the elements. The use of carvings and decorations on the wooden facades is common, often featuring intricate designs inspired by nature such as leaves, vines, and animals. Despite being built predominantly of wood, the structures are sturdy and long-lasting, thanks to the skill and craftsmanship of the local carpenters and builders.


Answood's location on the edge of the Urskaru Woods provides it with a unique advantage and disadvantage. The forest has been a valuable resource for the city, supplying the local industry with timber, herbs, and other forest products. However, the proximity to the woods has also brought about tensions between Answood and the new seedkin leader, who has been less friendly towards the city. In addition, the dense forest has made it difficult for Answood to expand its territory, and the lack of a nearby major river or lake has hindered the city's access to trade and transportation.   Despite these challenges, Answood has adapted to its environment and has made use of the resources available to it. The city has developed a thriving timber industry, which has been a major source of income and employment for its citizens. The small creeks that run by the city have also been utilized for irrigation and fishing. Answood's location has also allowed it to develop a unique culture, with many of its residents being skilled hunters, woodworkers, and herbalists. Overall, the city's geography has played a significant role in shaping its economy, culture, and relationship with neighboring regions.


Answood experiences a temperate climate with warm summers and mild winters. The city is located on the edge of the Urskaru Woods, which has a significant impact on its climate. The forest provides shade and moisture, which helps to moderate the temperature during hot summer months. However, during the winter, the forest can also bring cold air that can impact the city. Additionally, Answood is located far from the main river and lake that supplies the Union, which means that water availability can sometimes be an issue.   Due to its location near the forest, Answood experiences a lot of precipitation throughout the year. Rain is common, and the city is prone to occasional flooding during heavy rainfall. However, the precipitation also makes the area around Answood lush and green, which is beneficial for the local timber industry. Despite the occasional flooding and other weather challenges, the temperate climate of Answood makes it a pleasant place to live and visit.

Natural Resources

Answood is located on the edge of a massive forest, the Urskaru Woods, which is a rich source of timber and other forest resources. The trees in the forest are tall and dense, and provide the city with an abundance of wood for building, fuel, and other needs. The forest is also home to a variety of game, including deer and wild boar, which provide meat for the city's inhabitants. In addition, the nearby creeks and rivers are rich in fish, which are an important food source for the people of Answood. Finally, the grasslands to the west of the city provide grazing land for livestock, which are an important source of food and other resources for the city.
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