Dungeon Journal 1-23 Document in Voktegård | World Anvil
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Dungeon Journal 1-23

An excerpt from the Journal of Gemaed Chymer during his time as a captive in the Dungeon. This excerpt is on display in the Portal exhibit of the Chymer Museum in the New Dwarven City.  
“Shadows generate a barely detectable distortion of spacetime. I suspect it is an automatic unconscious manifestation of their desire to return to a past time of being alive. They seem to have no control over it, even though in larger numbers the effect is amplified. That is the reason for the massive black hole at the center of Voktegård. I am unsure if the ancient Celestials meant for this to happen, but Shadows pour into the Darkness from all corners of the universe. I think it has some kind of psychic gravity for incorporeal entities. But I digress. While the Shadows themselves have no control over it, I have devised a method of concentrating the essence of a Shadow into a fine point, thus compacting the incorporeal ‘mass’ and overlapping the the spacetime distortion effect into what I call a Chymer-manifold particle. It is a single point of matter and energy that exists in multiple planes of existence at the same time. It is so unstable that it can only exist for an extremely short moment, a measurement I call a dwarfsecond.   The challenges are twofold: How to direct the behavior of this Chymer-manifold particle and how to do it in just one dwarfsecond.   If I can accomplish this, then I can accomplish the effects of long-range teleportation in a consistently reproducible way that does not rely on spellcasting. The applications for travel, exploration, weapons, and powering non-magical technology are endless.”
Journal, Scientific

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