Humans Species in Void Realms | World Anvil
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A people native to the world Eot, mankind has forged themselves an empire in the stars with little resistance, excluding the pacification of the Goliaths and a couple of border wars with the Obronians over Yeshi.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

A healthy human can live up to a hundred years in age, though the average human usually only lives around 50 years.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Much of the territory ruled by man is owned by the old blood families, royal houses descended from the kings and emperors who bent the knee to Marcus the Great during the Unification Wars. Prominent old blood families are Alba, Teresha, Magister, Lyons, and Balish. Some noble houses have fallen to the wayside over the centuries, the greatest example being House Recun. In 173, Emperor Marcus the 6th attended a feast at the estate of Lord Recun, accompanied by his family. When the feast was near its end, and most of the people were too drunk to do anything, Lord Recun had the doors barred shut. The Emperor, his family, and all of his supporters were massacred. This started the Recun Revolt, which was crushed by the Emperor's third son Donnan, who did not attend the feast. Lord Recun was slain in battle, and the knight who slayed him was made senator of Recun, and founded House Monroth.


For thousands of years mankind lived on Eot, kingdoms, republics, and empires all bickered amongst each other. When man crafted weapons from stone tribes fought over food and women. When man crafted weapons from copper and tin kingdoms fought over land and resources. When man crafted weapons from bronze empires fought over gods and pride. From the defeat of the Mosenites by the Rhoden Kings to the fall of Trent, mankind's history is long and bloody. By the time man could craft weapons with iron, they had been unified under Cennti rule and had colonized the stars, but when they did fight, their excuse was that it was for freedom.
There are many different ethnicities originating on Eot. The largest groups are the Cennti, Rhodenians, Sandens, Aeoshans, Hims, Valarians, Wessians, Narnins, Karnins, and Mosens.

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