Hanzo Character in Voenia1 | World Anvil
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Earl Hanzo Gilbert

A ruthless man the Earl of the Ring of Death and Tamdou. He is well liked by the people.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

As a Lord, he wears silk robes and capes. He uses a long sword in battle and has it on his side.


If a bit overweight, Lord Hanzo is a sturdy man. His face is oblong-shaped with an angular nose. His skin is almost as pale as the snow. Long black hair cascades down his back. Thick eyebrows are raised above monolid eyes. He is almost always clean-shaven. He walks with pride in his step and refuses to slouch.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hanzo grew up as a rich and spoiled boy, son to the Earl of Tamdou. At the age of 39, his father died due to heart failure. Hanzo took over his father's position as Lord. He was assisted by his father's trusted attendants. It took him a while to grow into the position, but he learned quickly and succeeded. His mother wanted nothing to do with him and used their spoils for her own desires. She married to the earl of Zalfari. He had the Ring of Death built when he was 21, quickly investing his time and money into it. He met a young Kinjakou and helped to train her into a deadly fighter.




Hanzo's father hired him a private teacher. He learned how to read and write, etiquette, and combat skills.


He is the Earl of Tamdou and the Ring of Death. He oversees his people's needs and wants. When he was younger he trained to be the best earl he could be.

Personality Characteristics


He yearns to be a good earl like his late father. He also longs to be the possessor of great riches.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Hanzo is a decent fighter with the sword, but can never compare to Kinjakou or the Five Betas.

Likes & Dislikes


He is a man possessed with greed and egotism. Despite his sordid behavior, the people of Tamdou heed reverence. He provides them well with food, water, protection, and entertainment.   He has a tendency to tip his head back when laughing.


Family Ties

His father died years ago and his mother is living in ____ with her husband. He communicates with her every few months to check up on her well being. He is not very concerned with her, however, and would not be hurt if she was to pass.

Religious Views

Hanzo has full belief in the Eight Divines, and especially lets the Fifth Divine, Fyreyr, influence his decisions.

Wealth & Financial state

Born into nobility, Hanzo has always had power. He is a hoarder of money and riches and only makes necessary or occasional payments.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Earl of Tamdou
Year of Birth
143 43 Years old
Brown, monolid
217 lbs
Known Languages
Ruled Locations

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