Euvarish Ethnicity in Voenia1 | World Anvil
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Voenia's population is 43% Euvarish. They have pale skin and slim bodies. Troiana has the most Euvarish population.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Common female names include the following: Aimi, Hikari, and Kani.

Masculine names

Common male names include: Sosuke, Hishi, and Take.


Major language groups and dialects

Euvarin is the most commonly spoken language in Troiana.

Culture and cultural heritage

In honour of the Eight Divines several festivals are held by the king/queen.

Shared customary codes and values

Only the military, nobility, and royalty may use and own beasts. Commons domesticating beasts is prohibited.

Common Etiquette rules

In presence of a royalty or Lord/Lady people must keep their eyes down and bow.

Common Dress code

Females are frowned upon if showing too much skin, particularly their belly.

Art & Architecture

Common art for Troianans are painting, drawing, and sculpting. Most architecture is created using wood and stone.

Funerary and Memorial customs

The dead are commonly buried on the property of their home.

Common Myths and Legends

For centuries the Euvarish have told their children of The Kraken. It supposedly lives in the sea.


Beauty Ideals

Long hair in considered a blessing in Troiana. Male and females strive to keep their hair long and shiny. Facial hair is disapproved.
Related Organizations
Languages spoken

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