Zeal Material in Vivilleon The Lost World | World Anvil
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Zeal, a potent material of untold magical potential, is harnessed in precious drops from the minds of intelligent and mystical creatures, including elves, fairies, and other ethereal beings. With an enchanting radiance, these iridescent drops shimmer with an inner light, captivating all who behold them. However, the extraction process, once harnessed, is one of malevolence and cruelty, leading to the creature's demise, which has created a rift between those who seek its power and those who protect the sanctity of magical life. As a result, zeal harvesters are viewed with suspicion and fear by both magical beings and mortal inhabitants alike. The mesmerizing drops of Zeal epitomize the convergence of the magical and intelligent realms, leaving the world in awe of the countless possibilities that lie within its mystical depths, while also serving as a haunting reminder of the dark price it demands.


Material Characteristics

A mesmerizing and mysterious liquid of deep purple and shimmering gold hues exists—a fluid of ethereal properties that seems to possess a life of its own. Gently undulating like a graceful dance, it flows and moves with a captivating grace, creating intricate patterns in the air as if conducting a symphony of colors. Unbound by gravity, this enigmatic liquid defies the laws of nature, floating gracefully in the air, weaving through the environment as if guided by an unseen hand.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Zeal is hot to the touch only to be handled with specific equipment. When held it feels weightless like air, it is likely that if not for its unstable properties and the ability to see it you would never know that you were holding or touching it.

Geology & Geography

Zeal is found in the bodies of every intelligent creature that exhibits magic, sorcerers are notoriously full of the stuff leading Zeal collectors to seek them out to harvest their brains for this powerful material.

Origin & Source

Zeal is found within the minds of intelligent creatures that contain innate magical abilities, many note the sorcerers contain an insane amount of Zeal so much that those who seek it's power believe that if they catch one sorcerer they will have enough zeal for decades.

Life & Expiration

If Zeal does not inhabit a body the Zeal will fade after just a few hours.

History & Usage


Since it's discovery in the Primal Expansion period by Lilith, Zeal has been seen as a taboo wielding it in its pure forms is considered a violation of natural law and a direct link to one becoming a demon in the afterlife. However, in the modern eras of the Natural Expansion period there has been an increase in the existence and use of Zeal without the knowledge of any high ranking peoples. Zeal has been suspected to be used in the creation of many forms of undead, the creation of super warriors, and the creation of the Simic Hybrid species due to its natural life giving properties. Simic Hybrid are beings that just began to exist about 30 years ago and now they are everywhere, causing people to seek out anyone who has ever heard of Zeal to find where they heard it from and eradicate the threat of Zeal being lose in Vivilleon.


In the forests of Esmounta, a beautiful place adorned with wonders and enchantments, a woman named Lilith, gifted in the arts of alchemy, embarked on a quest that would forever change the fate of the land. Consumed by an unyielding thirst for power, she sought to unlock the secrets of an elusive resource known as Zeal—a mythical energy said to bestow unimaginable abilities upon its possessor.   The name "Zeal" was not merely a whimsical choice; it carried deep significance to Lilith. During her extensive research in the ancient grimoire, Tsunder's Codex, she stumbled upon an old prophecy that foretold the coming of a chosen one—a being destined to wield the powerful energy of Zeal for the realm's ultimate purpose.   As Lilith decoded the ancient texts, she unraveled the prophecy's hidden meaning. The word "Zeal" resonated with her, signifying a fervent passion and fervor that had burned within her heart since she was a young alchemist-in-training. The legend spoke of Zeal as a force of unstoppable determination, an unyielding drive to achieve greatness and reshape the world.   The name became a beacon of her ambition—an embodiment of the relentless pursuit of power that had consumed her soul. Little did she know that the very same ambition would be her undoing, transforming her into the malevolent figure she would eventually become.   Guided by an ancient map found in the grimoire, Lilith embarked on a perilous journey, venturing into the uncharted territories of Vivilleon. She navigated through treacherous landscapes, crossed treasured woodlands, and traversed treacherous mountains in search of the truth that had enraptured her soul.   Her quest led her to a remote village known for its wise elders and legendary sages. Within the village's sacred temple, she uncovered whispers of a secret order—the Wraithseekers—a revered brotherhood that safeguarded the hidden knowledge of Zeal and the dark ritual associated with it.   Desperate to be initiated into the Wraithseekers' circle, Lilith presented herself before their council, seeking access to the forbidden knowledge. Impressed by her resolve and alchemical expertise, the council allowed her to undergo arduous trials to prove her worthiness.   As the days turned into weeks, Lilith braved numerous challenges that tested her strength, intelligence, and morality. She confronted her deepest fears and darkest desires, wrestling with the alluring temptation of absolute power that Zeal promised.   Upon successfully completing the trials, Lilith was finally initiated into the ranks of the Wraithseekers. The council entrusted her with the forbidden knowledge, cautioning her about the grave consequences of delving into such malevolence. Lilith's heart, however, was already consumed by her unquenchable thirst for power, and she turned a deaf ear to their warnings.   Returning to her alchemical laboratory, she fervently studied the knowledge bestowed upon her by the Wraithseekers. Armed with the dark ritual, she delved into the malevolent arts, driven by an ambition that eclipsed her sense of morality.   In her pursuit of Zeal, Lilith ventured deep into the heart of Moonshade Forest, where she captured a gentle fairy—an innocent creature whose essence held the precious energy she craved. Without hesitation, she enacted the dark ritual, coldly extracting Zeal from the fairy's life force.   As the ritual reached its conclusion, the once-bright light of the fairy's existence dimmed, and her lifeless form lay before Lilith. The alchemist felt a surge of power coursing through her veins, but it was accompanied by a chilling emptiness in her soul—a void she could never fill.   Unbeknownst to Lilith, the malevolent forces that had once whispered secrets to her now twisted her mind and heart. Consumed by Zeal's corrupting influence, she became the villain she once feared. Her dark descent into evil marked the beginning of a harrowing chapter in the mythology of Vivilleon—a tale of ambition and its terrible consequences. The legacy of Lilith, once a brilliant alchemist, now served as a haunting reminder of the dangers that lurk within the pursuit of power.

Everyday use

Zeal should never be used in everyday life but all recorded example of Zeal being used are one of the following;   Zeal being used to return life to a creature however, it seems that when a creature is revived with the Zeal of another creature or creatures the undead will exhibit the memories, personality, and mannerism of the person the Zeal was harvested from not the body it now inhabits.   Zeal being used to enhance an individual; from what we know about Zeal, Zeal can be injected into a creature that exhibits no biological magical power at all, this causes that creature to gain the magical abilities of the creature the Zeal comes from and their memories. There is also recorded evidence that the creature that the Zeal was injected into also may begin to develop multiple personalities one being the original creatures personality and the other or others being the personality of the creature the Zeal came from. Note: Zeal is also commonly put within non intelligent creatures, this does not make the creature intelligent but instead completely tears the creature apart from the inside out. This however, does not apply to salt water based unintelligent creatures.   Zeal also seems to be used in the creation of Simic Hybrids, this is hypothesized because most Simic Hybrids record having memories where they not physically appear as they do too, as well as innate magical abilities that something with their biology likely would not possess. It also does not help that Simics biologically seem to be humans biologically merged with various salt water creatures, making them presumably able to contain Zeal within their bodies.   Many scholars who study records of Zeal appearing in society believe that it can be extracted or transferred unintentionally creating the Kalashtar


Trade & Market

Zeal is only sold in secret markets around the islands, this is mostly because someone has to be able to extract Zeal which is seen as taboo


Zealis commonly stored in vials or aquatic creatures.

Law & Regulation

Zeal is said to never be extracted or sold anywhere is the islands and if you are found doing either it is punishable by death under all governments.
600,000 GP
Metallic almost bloodlike
Purple and Gold
1.1 Kg
Common State
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Aug 19, 2023 22:17 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

A very dark material - but I like the story! You should probably clarify the statement :If Zeal does not inhabit a body the Zeal will fade after just a few hours." with the storage method! It seemed weird since people are harvesting and trading it...

Follow my worlds: Arrhynsia and Compendium and check out my author website at tlcassis.com to see my latest work!
Aug 26, 2023 09:21

This is a very dark and intriguing story idea.