Eletha-Lyn Gilven Character in Vitrois (Fundekein) | World Anvil
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Eletha-Lyn Gilven

Eletha-Lyn Keryth Fayar (a.k.a. Ellie)

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Two blue rose rapiers given to her by Ardryll, which she refuses to fight without.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

After a rocky and abusive childhood living far from any settlement, Eletha-Lyn found herself in Chargrove as soon as she became an adult. She settled in the city doing whatever jobs she could to earn enough money for food and an inn room, working her way up to living in a small home fit for herself. It was within Chargrove where she by chance met Ardryll, eventually forming a relationship with him.
  Over the years, Ellie would go on to marry Ardryll and train for combat under him, and would end up welcoming their son, Sivari. All was well until just before the attack on Chargrove, where Ellie had been taken by her father and brother in a plan to extort money from the Gilven. Their plan fell flat upon learning the fate of the city, instead opting to hold her captive and return to their abusive ways, knowing they were too far into their plan to back out and let her go. 
  One day while travelling with her family, Ellie managed to escape from their carriage and hurried off into the woods, her acrobatic skill aiding her in her escape. She refused to sleep for three days, running when she could, until she settled up in the attic of an abandoned home. It was here where she was found by Hilda and Kidalia, eventually returning home after 25 years of absence.


Average education, combat edcuation via Ardryll

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her marriage and son

Failures & Embarrassments

Not realizing who she thought was her husband was actually the Hidden Devil

Mental Trauma

Kidnapping by her family, abuse from her childhood and adulthood
  Learning what she thought was her husband wasn't really Ardryll upon her return home, but the Hidden Devil

Personality Characteristics


To be the best wife and mother she can be, as well as her wish to grow her little family


Family Ties

Wife of Ardryll Gilven, mother of Sivari Gilven

Religious Views

Worshipper of Mila
Royal Purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Ardryll, please, be careful..."
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Gilven Moon Elvish


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