The Witch of Envy Character in Vitanova | World Anvil
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The Witch of Envy

The Witch of Envy Eris

The Witch of Envy was born an urchin within the brutal streets of Lyntown in Hochland. Growing up her parents abandoned her as a young age leaving her to survive on her own and because of her changeling heritage she would sometimes be caught impersonating others getting her in lots of trouble. However, impersonating others was what she relied on to survive and over time grew to enjoy it as she viewed it as a way to temporarily take someone else's life and see how it would be living a not so shitty life. Overall her existence was spent not living her own life and living in a state of constant envy wishing she could’ve been born different. Despite this she went on existing, but never truly found her own personality. That is until she met Prodotis while impersonating a barmaid. She first met him when he came in and she would serve him and found herself infatuated with his very existence. However due to her natural personality she would always serve him as a different persona until one day when she served him he would take her hand and ask her to show him her real face. While shocked at first she complied and upon revealing her true form expecting disappointment he simply remarked on how beautiful her eyes were and offered to give her a place where she could find out who she was and she accepted becoming the sixth witch representing Envy.

Physical Description

Body Features

Eris is a shorter and skinnier female with pale white skin and milky white eyes. She has long braided white hair and often cloaks herself.

Special abilities

Eris possesses the power to steal both the appearance and powers of any individual she touches. Depending on the individual however the power could be a weaker version such as touching a god like being. She cannot steal the other witches' power unless she kills them directly.

Mental characteristics

Morality & Philosophy

The Witch of Envy is on the surface a very coarse and pessimistic person and of the witches is often viewed as the most evil at first glance, however to those in her circle she is very kind. She is, by nature, a jealous person, but never tries to purposely harm anyone because of this jealousy, but often times accidently does so with her power of impersonation.
Pale White
Long Silky White Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Purple Skin