Lolth Character in Vitanova | World Anvil
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(a.k.a. Mother of Spiders)

Lolth is the god of Spiders, Deceit and Excess and the ruler of the 66th layer of the abyss known as the Demonweb Pits. Among The Ruinous Divines Lolth is among the most evil feeding off the excessive pain, pleasure and emotions of the world to satisfy her ever growing desires. During The Scourge Lolth would command her favored race of the Drow to commit mass atrocities and join her in her quest to experience ultimate pleasure which is one of the primary reasons Drow have such a vile reputation. Her rampage was only stopped when Lunai, who Lolth despises, would defeat her and curse both her and her race of the drow to forever despise the sun. Present day Lolth resides in her realm within the Abyss scheming and planning, using the Drow to accomplish her goals and one day hoping to resume her carnage on the mortal plain.

Divine Domains

  • Trickery
  • War
  • Knowledge


  • The Arachnasword
  • Cloak of the Matriarch

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The symbol most often associated with Lolth is a circular web. This symbol is most often represented by her worshippers through amulets, on their clothing or simply allowing spiders to weave webs in their dwellings. Another representation of Lolth is spiders and worshippers of hers often times tame different types of spiders to show their devotion and use as guards for their dwellings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Lolth above all desires power and control over others and to accomplish this goal makes use of her favored race of mortals the drow. She uses the Drow to feed her love of violence and possibly one day obtain enough power to summon her back into the world so that she may join in on this carnage.
  • The truth is nothing more than something to be manipulated to accomplish your own goals
  • Live for nothing more than to seek pleasure in the world 
  • Those in your way are nothing more than prey, never hesitate to lure more victims into your web
Divine Classification
Long White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation