The Salt Sea Treaty Document in Visten | World Anvil
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The Salt Sea Treaty

The Salt Sea Treaty was the peace accord signed by Senfid Aidarii and Nberezt, Kingdom in the Mountain at the end of The Nine Cycle War. It also marked the end of the longer history of The Spousal Wars fought between the two churches.   With the signing of The Salt Sea Treaty the Nbereztians agreed to their church joining together with the Senfid. They also agreed to raise Aidar as an equal to Bera and accept the canon of the Senfid as theirs.   In return the Nberezt Church was given a semi autonomous position within the Senfid and it got to keep its tradition of an all female clergy. It also gained a guaranteed position on the Consode Electia, to be held by a Mouth of Bera or another representative put forth by the Syanostri Family.
Treaty, Diplomatic

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