Moon Lily Species in Visctheria | World Anvil

Moon Lily

Only blooming under the light of the full moon of all three of Visctheria's moons, Moon Lilies only grow on the plains of Croyla. They only grow in the wild, as all cultivation attempts result in Variagated Moon Lilies of a variety of colors. They also wilt and die after the triple full moon, but will grow and remain unbloomed in any season, waiting for the next bright night.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney

Moon Lilies, when dried, ground, and consumed as a tea, can cure both Vampyrism and Lycanthropy. They must be blooming when harvested, or the tea will simply worsen the condition meant to be healed. No one knows why the flower only heals under the light of all three moons, but some theorize it is due to the presence of the full power of Brodea. Many Arcanists and Visctherian botanists scoff at this myth, but have found no other scientific purpose for the lack of healing ability during phases of growth.

The Moon Lily was discovered by ancient Croylans exploring the wild areas of the Croylan mountains, somewhere around the time of the birth of the Trees of Power. The discoverers of the flower would go on to found the People of the Gentle Stars.

While rare, the Moon Lily is not considered endangered. Many unbloomed but fully mature specimens have been observed at all times of the year, in any season.

by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney


  • Black
  • Red
  • Blue
  • Purple
  • Gold
  • Orange

Cover image: by sunnybirdboi via MidJourney


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