Dikkerdaks Species in Violem | World Anvil
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Many different birds exist throughout Violem, but none quite like the Dikkerdak for many reasons. The most obvious being that they are around one foot tall, making them quite large compared to other feathered creatures and are unable to fly. As a result the only place you can find these blue and white feathered beings is on the un-inhabitated snow island of Sollobrook, located in the sunken Valley as part of the Untouched Lands.   Despite being outcasts in the world of birds, they are adored by sailors and explorers who happen to stumble onto the island. Finding their waddle and ditzy behaviour rather amusing. As Captain Hoarwae describes it in his journals, I've never met such an unusual bird. Adapting to survive in the cold weather is impressive in itself. But they don't seem to be phased by any of use. In fact they came waddling over to us, as curious about us as we were of them. Makes a nice change from everything trying to kill us. - Captain Hoarwae   Indeed the Dikkerdak has no natural predator on the island so it had no need to evolve defensive strategies or protection, giving them a laid back approach to life. The animal itself doesn't have too many distinguishable features, its two pronged webbed feet are more rounded than most birds, its tail is made mostly of soft feathers and the thickest and the softest part of the body is on its chest where its feathers are thickest.   It has been noted by many from Ascor that it resembles a remarkable resemblance to the Oogla. A similar care free creature known for its fumbling walk and similar size. The similarities between the two continue, with both species having large wide eyes and chirping tuneful songs to themselves. The difference is that the Dikkerdak isn't capable of hypnotising its listeners.


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