Dark Tapestry Item in Vilyiterna | World Anvil
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Dark Tapestry

The Dark Tapestry is a large, window sized tapestry died which at first appears to be no more a piece of shiny, dark blue/black fabric. It's not the most popular or famous of her works but is the most prized work of the Dellisle textile artist, Estrella Netter, and often the most memorable among among her fans.    The Dark Tapestry took people by surprise when it first hit the galleries. Estrella Netter is famous for her expansive, colourful, detailed, mural-like scenic works. The contrast of the smaller, coloured fabric was huge and confused those who saw it, many choosing to ignore it entirely. Those who took a closer look, however, were astounded. The strength of the tapestry wasn't it's size or appearance, but it's interactive nature. From the front it truly appeared an thick piece of shiny fabric, but as people walked past or peered at it from different angles it came to life. Using 4d, angular designs the artist hid flashes of lightning in the weave. It was a depiction of an outside storm, the sheen of the fabric a wet window. People would stare it, moving around in hopes of catching another view of shocking lightning like children glued to a window in a truly nostalgic experience.
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