Vilra-shal History of Perentha Timeline

History of Perentha

Shattered Age

0 B.S 2000 A.S

The world of Vilra-shall has started to settle after the chaos and disturbance that The Shatter caused. At this point in the worlds history most scramble to carve out a safe place to sleep or attempt to rebuild the lives they once led.

  • 2 A.S

    The Great Shimmer Mirrors Settle

    The great Shimmer Mirrors have settled and now spew forth all matter of flora and fora causing the areas nearby to become almost uninhabitable.

Frontier Age

2000 A.S 5000 A.S

In the 2000 years since the shatter, settlements have been made or mended and are starting to fight back against their new world. Much of the world is a frontier, and the rule of the strongest is in play for much of this age. Infighting, slavery and civil wars run rampant in most places - with those with the wits taking advantage of the chaos. Most of the major shimmer mirrors have also been discovered at this point.

  • 2053 A.S

    2055 A.S

    Ventus Family Take Control of The Slave Trade
    Criminal Activity

    In the years after The Shatter, Perentha much like the rest of the world was in state of turmoil. The Ventus family took this as an opportunity to take over the slave trade and in doing so cement themselves in a position of power in a time when many could struggle to even feed themselves.

  • 2193 A.S

    2284 A.S

    Founding of Independent States

    With the people of Vilra-shal somewhat settling into their new world, the formation of many separate states began all over Perentha. Individuals and groups alike founding their own towns and villages, some even going as far as ruling over larger combined areas. During this period, there was little conflict between the states as The Shatter was still a very real event that united many against in hopes of surviving. Though as time passed so did the unification and power-hungry eyes looked across other lands for wealth and resource.

  • 2285 A.S

    2585 A.S

    State Wars
    Military: War

    The state wars are a stain on Perenthas' history. The 300 year war was fueled by greed and hunger for power and land. Old grudges and hates had grown in the years after The Shatter but with most everyone pre-occupied with the Shimmer Mirrors and the aftermath these possible conflicts were put aside in order for everyone's survival. However, it did not take long for these conflicts to boil over once the land had somewhat settled. Siblings against parents, allies turned enemies.

  • 2585 A.S

    Unification and settling of Perenthas' States
    Political event

    The State Wars were brought to an end and Perentha saw its Nothern, Central and Southern states unify. This also saw the rise of the Ventus Royal Family.

  • 2585 A.S

    Church of the Sols' Surge
    Religious event

    With the unification of Perenthas States, the Church of the Sol furthered its influence - for the strife that the State Wars caused, made many seek guidance under the Sol's protection and the Church was more than happy to oblige. Their numbers surged, increasing tenfold in both in term of numbers and in the faith they held. The Templars that worked under them spread throughout Perentha as a result became a symbol of peace to many - bar the Mages.