The Shatter Physical / Metaphysical Law in Vilra-Shal | World Anvil

The Shatter

An event that truly changed the very fabric of Vrilal. The Old Ones wished to test their creations that were once separated by the different planes of existence by binding multiple of these planes into one, with Vrilal as the foundation. Everything changed. The land itself, the fauna and flora. Even the very laws of nature were twisted and melded into a new form as a result. The world that many knew shattered and something knew took the place of the once peaceful world of Vrilal. A new world, post the shattering of the planes left Vrila-shal in the place Vrilal.   Today's sentient races of Vilra-shal have no idea why The Shatter happened, let alone how. Various Gods, individuals and organizations throughout the ages have claimed to know the how and why. However, the true reason has been lost to time, only the few beings that were alive Pre-Shatter can recall this turbulent period in the world's history, though these individuals are increasingly rare.   In the ages after The Shatter, chaos truly reined. With both flora and fauna trying to find their place in this newly shattered world. Thousands went extinct within the first few years, unable to adapt to their new home. Those that did manage to grow accustomed to their new lives have since stabilized and have even flourished.   In the years since The Shatter, the world has calmed and even started healing, though the scars on the land and people can still be found throughout the land. Some of the lasting scars are , these portals introduced various changes into the world at a far slower rate than that of The Shatter.

Vrilal -

  Vrilal was the name of the world before The Shatter. The world was inhabited by far few races than now, with the Elves ruling over most of the contients. Magic was only used in mass by the elves, with only a few of the lizard folk being able to harnace magic. Most other races were unable to use magic at all.
Metaphysical, Astral

Vilra-shal -

  Vrila-shal refers to the world post-shatter, this current world state is still growing and settling.