Religions Organization in Vilra-Shal | World Anvil


Church of the Sol -

  Known throughout the world, its heart & origins are found in Perentha.   Led by an individual with the title of Mother that all members of the church answer to, there is one deity - Numen - considered by the followers to be the one true creator of all things and caused the shatter to test his followers' faith. Some of the followers have very zealot-like actions/reactions towards others - often causing issues. Though the main following of the Church is found in Perentha, small groups have made efforts to spread their faith to other continents with varied results. These incidents have caused tensions to rise between The Church and its officials and other Country leaders.   A small group of mages who were devout believers in the mother and Numen managed to journey to the Realm of Numen, abusing the chaos and magic produced by The Shatter to travel to their gods' realm. The realm of Numen has been portrayed as being so truly beautiful in its splendour it would be impossible to describe it accurately - an untainted, golden dream with everything anyone would ever need. A holy, shining throne from where Numen himself created the world of Vilra-shal and everything in it. Although any you might hear or read about are sparse and best vague rumours, their fates and what they found are unknown. Though speaking of this event is often seen as heretical by higher-ups of the Church and devout followers, often only causing problems for those they speak or write about it and their families.  

Paragons -

  While Paragons are not deities, they are very much treated as such by those who follow them. They are individuals that have accomplished great things; creating the first runic golem, the founder of Harrowmount or the great warrior that alone held the line against the Ogres invasion of Wethena. These individuals have immortalized their deeds and their names, being respected as guides or guardians. Many Dwarves attempt to follow in their footsteps, following their chosen Paragons' path in whatever they do.   While almost all Paragons are depicted as being Dwarven, if one were to consult a scholar, one would discover that many Paragons are of different races, though it is no reason has yet been discovered as to why. Unfortunately, an unknown number of Paragons have been lost to either time and memory or as a result of the shatter wiping away any history of them. During expeditions of the Deep Roads, new Paragons are discovered fairly regularly as it is not unusual to find great statues or carvings dedicated to them, though as journeys into the Deep Roads often prove far too dangerous for most scholars, these discoveries often go undocumented for years.  

Old Elven Gods -

  Once described as being a pantheon of benevolent deities, each having its own magnificent temples and great followings, they have since been forgotten to time with the shrinking of the elven population. Now, only the Dalish clans can recall the names and teachings of their once numerous gods, with each of the clans recounting different gods and often directly linking the clan's origins to a specific god. Only those who are either well-studied or have spent time with the Dalish would know of their old gods. Often, the Dalish display their faith in how they live their everyday lives through daily offerings or prayers.  

New Elven God -

  The City elves mostly follow a new elven god named Rulfrearer - this god seems to be a product of the pain that the city elves have dealt with since their transition into the cities of humans has been less than humane. The numerous acolytes that follow this deity uphold one teaching of Rulfrearer more than any other - compassion amongst its followers and hatred for those that have wronged them.  

The Old Ones -

  A lot of the older races, such as Lizardfolk, Tortles, Kobolds and Dragonborn worship the Old Ones; these beings are older than even the elven gods and are said to operate on a different level. Thought to be the original creator of Gods. Many ruined shrines of theirs can be found around the world, often with small groups of followers found nearby. Though very few of the larger temples and shrines now remain, you would be hard-pressed to find someone who had not heard of the Old Ones. Their reach seems unsettlingly unbound. Despite some scholars searching for them, there have been no named Old Ones discovered - either lost to time and memory or perhaps hidden.  

Way of the Feather -

  Most birdfolk follow the teachings of Sirin an old god thought by some scholars to be one of the old ones that has been more directly involved with those that worship them. Sirin is described as a large bird with bright feathers - though these descriptions seem to change depending on who reports them - it seems Sirin appears in different forms for different people. Sirin teaches that self-discipline and respect for others are the most important of ideals. Though much like Sirins descriptions, interpretations of the importance of the two teachings seem to change depending on who follows them.  

The Cat Lord -

  A strange deity - known to wander the land and live its life amongst its followers. The cat lord is usually indifferent to nearly everything and everyone, except those things and creatures which affect the lives of cats. The Cat Lord is the epitome of freedom and is worshipped by many who wish to achieve it; those who worship him believe that there are no borders and all are one (of course, they respect the boundaries of houses). Many thieves and assassin’s guild pay their respects to him before a major action, as he is their role model for stealthy actions.  

The Elementals -

  The Elements are a primal collective comprised of the elements that they are named after. The four main elements; Earth, Water, Air and Fire, are known as the elemental titans said to be part of the very world of Vilra-shall. Many Genasi end up following The Elemental linked with their element, saying that they receive guidance and a calling from them. However, there is very little structural formation of the followers, especially compared to The Church of the Sol.
Religious, Other