Chex-Cra'uxcax Character in Vilra-Shal | World Anvil


Chex-Cra'uxcax, an ancient lich of formidable power, is an eerie sight. His skeletal form, etched with cryptic characters from a long-forgotten language, is adorned with ancient golden trinkets hammered into his fossilized bones. Most striking is the red orb embedded in his chest, around which the bone seems to have grown over the ages. Instead of eyes, the skull sockets are filled with faint yellow dots resembling small, flickering flames. Despite his macabre appearance, Chex-Cra'uxcax is anything but predictable. He carries the weight of his bones heavily, causing the ground to tremble slightly when he moves. He can cast high-level spells casually, seemingly without a second thought. However, what truly sets him apart is his capricious nature. At times, he plays the role of the archetypal evil undead lich, only to abruptly break character, bursting into laughter and jesting about nearly everything. Having lived for an exceptionally long time, Chex-Cra'uxcax has grown bored with the monotony of his existence. He revels in "games," although many would find these activities morally reprehensible.

Chex-Cra'uxcax is an ancient lich with a skeletal form adorned with golden trinkets and a red orb embedded in his chest. He can cast high-level spells and has a capricious nature, sometimes playing the role of an evil undead lich and at other times jesting about nearly everything. He enjoys "games" that many would find morally reprehensible due to his boredom with the monotony of his existence. nsible.

Current Location
Silverstone Mountains
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