Akai-Sa'voth Character in Vilra-Shal | World Anvil


The Fetid Dealer Akai-Sa'voth

A truly unsettling being to behold. Its body is a grotesque fusion of elements: black feathers, matted onto greyish-brown, decaying flesh, and ancient, stained bone. Of its myriad of features, one of the more notable would be its partially rotten head, the flesh and feathers clinging to the skull reveal the bone etched with cryptic carvings that resemble words or runes.   The creature's long limbs extend from its decaying form, but concealed within its chest are another pair of arms, entirely composed of bone. The air around it carries a heavy scent of decay and rot, growing more pungent as you draw near. A shroud of black, shadowy smoke seems to pour out from beneath its cloak, surrounding it in an eerie aura.   When it speaks, the creature does so with pauses and clicks, its head moving in strange, jerky motions from side to side. An overwhelming presence hangs in the air as you approach, as if an invisible weight presses down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe.

The Fetid Dealer is a legendary and mysterious vendor known for appearing unexpectedly outside settlements in a large black caravan of dark, almost scorched wood, which sports various goods hanging from its sides and roof. Strangely, the caravan's back doors reveal an endless void, adding to the mystique surrounding this enigmatic figure. What truly sets it apart is the large, otherworldly feline-like creature with deep back fur and piercing eyes that pulls the caravan, making every encounter with the Fetid Dealer an eerie and intriguing experience shrouded in mystery and potential danger.

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Dark brown, grey and black feathers
5ft hunched over 9ft stood up