Esmerelda Augustina Character in Vilosher | World Anvil
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Esmerelda Augustina

Dominatrix Noctem Eternum, Lady Vampiress of the Black Tower, Dreadsinger of ancient Erdemir Esmerelda Augustina

Her Majesty Eternal Esmerelda Augustina   First of her line, ancient and enduring   Said to have been born in the first age, wherein she was fated to be the doom of the ancient king Erdemir

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vampire, unholy and unnatural resilience

Mental characteristics


Highly Educated One of the few vampires ancient enough to wield true magic and not merely the phantasms common to vampires

Intellectual Characteristics

Whip sharp Unwilling to compromise, men yield to her, never the other way around

Morality & Philosophy

The world will be hers, whether that is what it wants or not

Personality Characteristics


World Domination The desire to feed and expand her clan
Lawful Monstrous
Luminescent Gold
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned, Sun-kissed
Quotes & Catchphrases
In all things, only one thing matters, the blood beside you and the blood before you... Choose... Wisely... Mortal
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Abyssal, Infernal, Enochian
Ruled Locations

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