Vigalence of the Wardens Homepage | World Anvil

Vigalence of the Wardens

1014 ADV

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"And though I am gone
Just ash in the wind
One life surrendered
So yours can begin
  Courage my children—
This is your song
I am the Earth—
I will make you strong"
-"The Heritors of Arcadia" by Bonnie Gordon   A thousand years have passed since the death of the last god Vairimey. Upon his death he gave his seven closest followers a mission, defend life. Those seven were the first of the order known as the Wardens.   After Vairimey died the sun stopped moving in the sky. The half of the world not covered by the light was engulfed by an unnatural darkness, a darkness that shifts inside, inconstant. Within the darkness are creatures as inconstant as the dark they come from, they are called shades by the wardens who have fought them.

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