Octarchic Beacon Item in Vi'Dan | World Anvil
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Octarchic Beacon

An Octarchic Beacon is the centrepeice of an Octarchic Projection House, also known as a Beaconhouse. Beaconhouses are operated by a small team of 3 or 4 mages of the corresponding Octarchic variant, who work to ensure the continued function of the beacon and its maintenance. The Beacons consist of a sturdy metal frame with a large glass sphere at the top and a gyroscope suspended within the frame. The entire structure is enchanted with the relevant magic. A the glass sphere at the top of the structure acts as an amplifier for Octarchic energy and allows the further propagation of Octarchic energy than can be achieved from just the original source. The beacons are frequently built in areas of tension in order to expand the reach of the corresponding magic, though beacons that are too close to each other will begin to deteriorate quickly and as such there is a practical limit on the number of beacons that can be constructed in a given area. The destruction of beaconhouses is often a highly desired objective in war so their locations are often hidden and at least one attendant mage is battle trained in the case of an emergency.
Item type
Square base of approximately 3x3m, roughly 9 meters tall.

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