Victus senate Organization in Victus | World Anvil
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Victus senate

Throughout the history of the empire, there was always one constant. The Victus senate stood as a bulwark of democracy as a balance to the near supreme authority of the Emperor. Led by the oldest senator, the senate was in charge of most of the day to day government of the empire.


The senate made their decisions with a simple majority vote (50% + 1). In votes with less then a 2/3rd majority, the Emperor was allowed to veto a decision. On a tie, which was very rare, the senate leader could break the tie.   Senators were elected for terms of 5 years with no term limit.   The senate held a variable number of seats beholding the following positions:  

Urban senators

Every grand city(a title bestowed on a city by the emperor) was given 2 seats in the senate. These senators were to represent their city on the senate floor.  

Territorial senators

Every territory(defined by the senate) was given 1 seat in the senate. These senators were to represent all population, with the exception of grand cities, on the senate floor.  

Imperial senators

The empire at large was represented by imperial senators, these senators were presented by the the emperor themselves and were voted on by the entire empire. They represented all of the empire and it's peoples on the senate floor.

Foreign Relations

While the Senate was technically just a small part of the empire, in practice they controlled a large part of the continent and were seen as separate power.
Founding Date
8th of Ventor 465, Age of Kings
Governmental, Senate/Parliament
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Mixed economy
Parent Organization
Related Ethnicities


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