Awaken Prose in Vestria v2 | World Anvil
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That was all he could see when he first awoke. His night vision had been good in the past, but that usually still required at least a little light to be present. None filtered its way into the small cave. Nothing did. That was why he had chosen it in the first place.
How long ago had that been? He hadn’t the slightest idea. Trying to track time in the Dream was a fool’s errand and it was a miracle that he had awakened at all.
He stiffly moved his hand to his chest, his arm protesting in the form of creaking and popping sounds chorusing as the limb moved for the first time in ages. The cacophony went ignored as he let out a sigh of relief, feeling the familiar pendant resting where he had left it. He trickled a little of what was left of his mana into it, feeling the gem inside warm slightly.
Once he stopped the flow of mana and the warmth faded away, he knew what came next. Grunting, he grabbed hold of the rock wall that had served as part of his bed. His fingers finding purchase, he pulled himself to his feet. He didn’t dare let go of the wall even as he came as close as he could to standing. His legs supported him, but only just.
Besides, he needed something to use a guide while he was stuck in this ageless dark.
Inch by inch, he shuffled his way along the wall, often using both hands as he groped for support. The only sound he had as company was the occasional drip of water somewhere far off and his own heavy breathing.
He knew there would be a toll to pay, there always was with something like the Dream. Huffing and puffing, panting like a dog after a handful of half-steps, though. Just how long had he Dreamt?
He tried not to think to hard on the question. Answers could come later. Now, he just needed to focus on putting on foot in front of the other and staying upright.
It took ages, but he finally felt his hands brush against the wall he had been searching for. Placing both hands against the stone, he let his mana flow out and into it. It was little more than a pulse of magic, but it was enough to tell him that his seals had held while he had Dreamt. Despite his current circumstances, he couldn’t help but grin a bit at that. Stone magic had never been his strong suit. Fortunately, it wouldn’t take much for him to break the seals.
Sucking in a breath, he sent out another wave of mana. Though there wasn’t much in it, it was still the strongest one he had summoned since waking. As his magic broke the seals and the stone slab gave way, he barely managed to catch himself from falling.
The slab hit the ground with a thunderous clap that shook the earth, kicking up a cloud of dirt and dust as the first breath of fresh air blew into the cave.
He covered his face with his hand, as much to fend off the dust as the sunlight that streamed in. It took a moment with no small amount of blinking before his eyes adjusted and he was able to take in his surrounding without fear of being blinded.
Trees dotted the hillside, their canopy thankfully shading him from the brunt of the sun’s light. Leaves rustled and branches swayed as a breeze drifted through the forest. Most would have found it a peaceful scene to wake up to.
He, however, could only frown as he looked about.
These trees had not been here when he had entered the Dream. He remembered a field, where his brother had fallen and his killer had been slayed shortly thereafter.
He gazed up, his neck cracking from the movement. These trees were tall. Very tall.
Just how long had he been in the Dream?


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