Flathead Gobs Species in Vestige | World Anvil
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Flathead Gobs

The drums, the drums. They sound in the deep... The Gobs go to war.
  The most numerous, and war-like, of their race, the Flatheads have spread to the far reaches of Vestige. Few other tribes of Gobs can stand up to the Flatheads in a fair fight, but war among Gobs is rarely ever fair. With their increased cunning, they are the only creatures that possess a shamanistic magic.

Basic Information


Standing of similar height with the average human male, they are thicker of limbs and stand with a slight stoop. This has caused many to have a permanent humped back. Flathead Gobs, though, stand straighter and possesses a significantly larger brain cavity than most of their brethren, making them the most coordinated and intelligent of their species.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gobs grow to near full-size in a matter of months, but this is balanced out by the fact that many die in their teen-hood, which lasts only a week or two, while they fight among themselves to assert a hierarchy. Despite this, once they reach adulthood their average lifespan is nearly that of a healthy human.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer the dark chasms of Vestige, which shelters them from the biting sun. Instead of building their own dens, they are a lazy race and have been known to dislodge a Canyon Worm from the cave systems they burrow and setting up their tribes there.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Despite their war-like tendencies they are mostly herbivorous, but will eat meat if given the chance. They are not cannibalistic, though, as Gob meat is notoriously nasty.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their large, bat-like, ears give them near sub-sonic hearing, which is a boon in the dark chasms that their large, sprawling tribes inhabit. Their eyes, conversely, are smaller and beadier than a human's. Direct sunlight hurts their vision.

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