Thornscorn Settlement in Verum | World Anvil


A town of lizardfolk, formed by a powerful bloodline.


Almost the entirety of Thornscorn is lizardfolk, but those who can brave the labyrinth are welcome to trade and offer their services to the lizardfolk there. Thornscorn is considered a small town with a population of around 2,200 citizens.


The leader of Thornscorn is decided by trials by combat from those who are of the correct bloodline. Only the strong may lead in this endless labyrinth. The leader of Thornscorn is often accompanied by a council of druids that help advise the leader of Thornscorn


The military of Thornscorn is small but fierce. The druids of Thornscorn often make the lands into sharp thickets; the lizardfolk warriors simply walk through the thorns, as the small pricks can only scratch at their scales. The warriors are trained to move through the plants with ease, and keep silent while doing so, often ambushing unwanted creatures within the bramble labyrinth that surrounds their home.

Industry & Trade

The greatest thing Thornscorn can offer in the economy is its services, as their druids and warriors are adapted to fighting in the nearby jungles. They also export a lot of berries that grow within the town's center itself. Merchant lords often use Thornscorn druids to help out their more natural exports. This is enough to keep the town thriving and alive.


The citizens of Thornscorn often worship gods of the Green Pantheon, but it is common that the lizardfolk there worship natural spirits and other powerful creatures that aren’t exactly gods—but are powerful in their own rights. The most common god to worship in Thornscorn is Inca, as respecting the plants around them respects their homeland.


Most of the magic of Thornscorn is druidic. It is common for the druids of Thornscorn to know how to change plants to their advantage. It is rumored that the druids there know how to bring the bramble around them to life; having the very terrain around their enemies start to contort and entangle creatures, or pull them deep into the labyrinth to be lost until they become plant food.


At first, the town of Thornscorn was nothing but a small field of thorns—easy to move through, and generally just another part of the vast jungle. This changed when the first leader of Thornscorn, Titalla, found his way to this section of the jungle. Titalla was an exile from another lizardfolk tribe, he wandered the jungles in search of a place of refuge for his family. The only home he could find was among the plants, so he started to grow intune with the nature around him. When he saw the small field of brambles, he saw something greater that could lie within—a true home. He spent his years using druidic magic to grow the brambles into a large shelter. In time his family grew, and he needed to expand the brambles around him. The thorns that protected him kept growing and growing until it could house a small town. With a home finally made, he could step down as leader and let someone else lead. He had to be sure that the leader of the tribe would be someone he could trust, and someone who could defend themselves in this savage home. He proposed solutions to this: Firstly, the leader must be of Titalla’s blood—a relative of some sort. And secondly, they must win in a trial by combat against the previous leader. With these rules in place, Thornscorn blossomed into the town it is now.


Deep within the heart of the jungles of Khao, there is a large, twisting bramble. Paths have been carved into this bramble in a strange labyrinth, and within the center of this twisting grove of life, is the town of Thornscorn
Owning Organization


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