Majital in Verum | World Anvil


Majital is abundant in two things. Sand and Magic. This desert country although lacking in natural resources, makes up for this by being the home of the wizards guild. Majitalians are a people who value knowledge, ambition and privacy. Their cunning nature is matched only by the beauty of their darkened skin. Majitalians all possess the following abilities as well as a choice of sub-type.   To some magic is a calling, but to a Majitalian, it is apart of everyday life. Majitalians begin play with Detect Magic as an at will ability. This functions as the spell in all other respects. You also have proficiency in the Arcana skill.   +1 Intelligence

Articles under Majital

  • 3700

    25 Valka 12:00

    The Scrollsworn Covenant

    The day the squabbling tribes of The Scour Sand formed into a full nation.

    The Scour Sand
  • 3760

    10 Haates 05:00

    Mirage and the Sphere of Sages

    The completion of the building of the Capitol of Majital and the revelations of the ruins below.

  • 3765

    12 Azen 04:00

    The Bittersweet Council
    Life, Death

    The first official meeting of the mages guild and the passing of a hero.

  • 3780

    12 Band

    Metal Made Flesh
    Scientific achievement

    The invention of the Taltaken

  • 3800

    5 Prime 10:00

    The Secrets of the Codexi
    Discovery, Scientific

    The unraveling of the mysteries of the Codex and the first teleportation circle.

  • 3805

    10 Rentoss

    The Great Binding
    Financial Event

    The grand ritual that laid the groundwork for the planar nexus and the teleportation network

  • 3835

    1 Prime

    The Kalkatesh Summit
    Diplomatic action

    The signing of a document that would allow the Mages Guild provide teleportation to all of Kalkatesh and in doing so, bind it to the will of the Mages Guild

  • 3840

    6 Azen

    The Kingvale Plague
    Plague / Epidemic

    A rogue member of the Mages Guild, Marcelus Kingvale creates a plague that devastates the people of Majital

    The Scour Sand
  • 3850

    11 Band

    Samuel's Sin
    Diplomatic action

    The wake of Marcelus Kingvale and his defeat, led to increased laws, and punitive sentences and the invention of a spell that would come to ruin the lives of untold numbers of people.

  • 3900

    20 Malto

    1 Verza

    The Bull and the Hermit
    Military action

    Majital, now armed with viscious and punishing laws for offenders, eventually pushes the King of Steton too far and the two nations come to blows.

    The Scour Sand
    Additional timelines
  • 3910

    15 Haates

    1 Verza

    The Famine of the North
    Disaster / Destruction

    In retaliation with the spells used by Majital and the atrocities they committed against Steton, Krazax embargo's the trading of food with Majital, causing a great famine that nearly destroyed the country.

    The Scour Sand
  • 3945

    11 Haates

    The Black Mages
    Military action

    Majital's decisive blow against Krazax, Orde and Khao, nearly conquering half of Kalkatesh in a desperate need to prevent the famine of the people they were sworn to protect.

  • 3950

    1 Verza 01:00

    1 Verza 07:00

    The Sun Lord vs the Wyvern of the West
    Military action

    In an unprecedented turn of events, the prince of the slain King of Steton, challenges the Archmage of the Mages Guild to a duel to the death and is victorious.

  • 3950



    Peace and Taxes

    A period of a more tyrannical mages guild, now bitterly held in place led to a time of plenty and tension.

  • 4005

    3 Valka

    The Storm of Souls
    Disaster / Destruction

    An experiment with conjuration leads to a tear in the veil of dreams, causing the arcane pillar to begin to fail. Magic all across Kalkatesh begins to fade.

  • 4010

    22 Malto

    The Martyr's Dream
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Gnomes of Kalkatesh, decide to aid all of Kalkatesh and return to the realm of dreams and in their deaths, heal the broken pillar.

  • 4050

    The Gold Road
    Discovery, Exploration

    An artifact of the past, reveals an elven road thought long lost, now recovered from the shifting sands.

  • 4100

    1 Dailos

    The Concordant of Alaheim
    Diplomatic action

    The Mages Guild, agree to a concordant with the druids of Kalkatesh, to limit and monitor what they take from the elemental planes.

  • 4130

    1 Azen 10:00

    The Great Reckoning
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    A terrible calamity in which seven heroes face the end of creation.

    Additional timelines


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