Loyalty in Verum | World Anvil



While there are many that find strength from within, there will always be devotees who find it in their closest allies. Trust is their mantra, camaraderie their virtue, and woe be unto those who would cross one of their flock.  


Tilt, The Seven  

Domain Spell

At each indicated cleric level, you add the listed spells to your spells prepared.
1st - Ceremony, Divine Favor
3rd - Aid, Healing Spirit
5th - Beacon of Hope, Crusader's Mantle
7th - Aura of Purity, Mordenkainen's Faithful Hound
9th - Dispel Evil and Good, Mass Cure Wounds

Trustworth Intentions

You gain proficiency in Persuasion. You also double your proficiency bonus on Persuasion checks to befriend or otherwise earn a creature's trust.  

Closest Confidants

Select a number of allies (other than yourself) equal to your wisdom modifier. Whenever you cast a spell with the range of self, you may instead cast it upon one of these allies so long as they are within 30 feet of you. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your wisdom modifier. You regain the uses of this ability after you perform a long rest.  

Divine Domain Feature

At 2nd level, you gain the following feature from your Divine Domain.  

Channel Divinity: Bolster Allies

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to fortify your companions' defenses.   Whenever any of your Closest Confidants is subjected to an effect that requires a save, you may, as a reaction, grant one of them advantage on the roll.  

Divine Domain Feature

At 6th level, you gain the following feature from your Divine Domain.  

One for All

At 6th level, whenever you are subjected to an effect that requires a save which would compel you to harm, deceive, or otherwise betray your allies, you gain advantage on the roll.  

Divine Domain Feature

At 8th level, you gain a feature from your Divine Domain.  

All for One

At 8th level, when you are attacked by a creature, all your Confidants gain a bonus on attacks against that creature equal to half your proficiency bonus for one round.  

Divine Domain Feature

At 17th level, you gain the following feature from your Divine Domain.  

With Open Arms

At 17th level, you consider all your allies to be Confidants (including yourself), though you still select allies for the Closest Confidants ability (still prohibiting yourself). Whenever you Channel Divinity to use Bolster Allies on them, all of these chosen Confidants gain advantage on their saves, instead of only one. In addition, you have immunity to effects that would compel you to harm, deceive, or otherwise betray these chosen allies.


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