Lake Tauren Geographic Location in Verum | World Anvil

Lake Tauren

This lake gets its name from its ox head like appearance from the sky, as viewed by the city dwellers of Khao. It is a deep water lake that takes the runoff from the Badlands and Khao with three rivers feeding into and out of it. It is known for the semi-precious stones that wash in from Panner's Mouth as well as the legendary Torii, the Lake Tauren Monster.


The lake allows for deep water transit into Khao through two rivers. A third river drains into the Foul Fjord but is not deep water navigable and turns into an estuary near the Fjord.

Fauna & Flora

The lake is teaming with life, although the most notable is the legendary Torii, the Lake Tauren Monster. There have been lots of 'confirmed' sightings, although nobody has brought proof as to what it actually is. Some say it is a large alligator, others say it is a whale, some say it is just a fake conjured up by the Coin Lords to attract thrill seekers to the area.

Natural Resources

Bits of semiprecious stone drain into the lake from the Badlands, making something of business opportunity for those willing to suffer the dangers.
Alternative Name(s)
Lake Kittitaka (Tabaxi), Whedabryna (Lizardfolk), Luq Watari (Greenskin)