Khao in Verum | World Anvil


600 or so years in the past Khao gathered its citizens and rose up into the sky in a single flying mega city. These years hence most citizens hail from this mega city, although a few were born within the jungles of the lands Khao left behind. The following are abilities that all Khaons share and one specific one that depend on whether they are from sky or jungle. As well as a list of sub-types.
  Whether of sky or jungle all Khaons possess inquisitive and curious minds, which give them a natural aptitude for alchemy and the science therein. As such whether repairing alchemical engines of airships or a medical paste from the right flowers in the jungle, you gain Skill Prof – Nature.
  The following ability is where the two kinds of Khaons differ. You may choose one of the following:
  City – City born Khaons have learned to speak with charm and persuasion. You gain a +1 to Charisma
All of this suborigin created before 8/18/2019 have the following: Fadesteel Dagger - This functions as a normal dagger except that it deals an additonal +3 damage to creatures that are considered shapeshifters. This includes skinwalkers and druids or any other creature that possess’ natural or trained abilities to change their form, form changing that is accomplished ONLY through spells is not sufficient.
  Jungle – Jungle born Khaons have learned that instinct is the key to life. You gain a +1 to Wisdom.
  Your character submission and character sheet must clearly show whether you chose the city or the jungle origin.

Articles under Khao


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