Dark Gate Settlement in Verum | World Anvil

Dark Gate


Dark Gate has an estimated 4,000 residents.
  71% Human
12% Half-Elf
8% Half-Orc
5% Dwarf
4% Other


The Dark Gate observes the laws and edicts of the country of Daborak, as it is first and foremost a military outpost. It also has some additional laws that function more like emergency protocols, in the event of attacks from the creatures (or witches) of Dolten. All who live at the Dark Gate, military or civilian, must know these to claim residence there.


Dark Gate is a direct extension of the Daborakian military, specifically assigned to defend its border from its oldest rival.

Industry & Trade

Dark Gate does not contribute in a significant way to the economy of Daborak, they mostly get their food and support from the military as well as the crafts of the civilians. The civilian part of Dark Gate is mostly made of craftsmen, masons, and blacksmiths—befitting a military town. However, there are also plenty of conmen and charlatans selling things like "blessed medals" and "luck sticks" which they offer to their countrymen leaving or returning to Daborak—claiming they can ward the evil spirits away. While most of these people are frauds, the occasional genuine magic item can be found. Further still, those who are in the know can always contact the secret witches at Dark Gate and acquire potions and scrolls of various magical spells and effects.


Dark Gate follows the usual deities of Daborak—Glory, Iass, Astaroth, Tilt, and the Seven. However, some of the spellcasters, secret plants sent by the council of witches—just in case—worship Wondox.


The Dark Gate focuses much of its magical development on ferreting out the dark influences and travelers from Dolten before they step foot into Daborak. They specialize in detecting hexes and evil magic, as well as neutralizing and containing such things. There are also minor mages, fortune tellers, exorcists and charlatans that claim to be able to produce charms and trinkets to ward away foul sorcery.     Scientific development is much like base Daborak—focused heavily on warfare, siege weaponry, and animal husbandry. In regards to Dark Gate, these are focused towards these things that can—if needed—hold the line against Dolten—in both cases of war with the country or the forces of the land itself.


Daborak and Dolten have engaged in a number of wars in their time, though they haven't had an actual skirmish in quite some time. More rivals than anything else, the two play a delicate game. The forces of the Dark Gate take extra care in their role of customs officers for Daborak/Dolten exchanges—giving extra scrutiny towards those they suspect capable of witchcraft, that transport dangerous items, or might secretly be some creature from the Abhoreal trying to sneak past their defenses. In response, the council of witches consistently rotate sleeper agents to keep tabs on their neighbors to the east. After all, if Daborak is that worried about what Dolten is going to do, Dolten needs to be planning SOMETHING—right? Some of the leadership see this as a tense cold war, but others—well—it's just a fun way of keeping tradition alive.


Situated on the western border, immediately adjacent to Dolten, Dark Gate is a massive fortress sitting atop the flat lands of Daborak right before the (placeholder) enigmatic forests of Dolten. Some artificial changing of the landscape has been done to allow it to be as self-sustaining as possible, though Ironhorse is not terribly far away anyway.


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