Aarakocra Species in Verra'Talu | World Anvil
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*Chirp* With the sky, what need we have for the ground?

I don't understand what all the fuss is, *Chirp* I have never had a problem navigating this land. I mean granted I don't use roads, *Chirp* but then I don't need to. You can get anywhere you need to go with the sky. Is there a greater *Chirp* freedom than that? No, I don't think there is. If you have a problem with navigation, then you should blame your parents for not being Aarakocra... *Chirp*
— Plume, Parcel Carrier of the Messengers Guild

Championed for Speed

In my observations of the Aaracockra two things stand out to me. Their swiftness and their freedom; in fact as I watch them in the skies, I can picture no creature more elegant or balanced than the Aaracockra. If one of them were to shift their weight forward, it spins into a swift dive or if one shifts its weight back it would climb the sky like a ladder. The balance and coordination required to take flight is amazing to behold.

I have often found myself thinking what my life would have become if I had such marvelous wings. Indeed, of all the Star Saved I would say these are blessed with true freedom.

It is perhaps due to this freedom and this balance that Yohir the God of Judgement (Let all stand before him) chose to champion the Aaracockra. No other race could manifest the speed, agility or balance required from so lofty a deity. The Balancer of the Scales (Let all stand before him) has chosen a species with a keen eye and talon, which remains forever poised to strike down, or raise up. To kill, or to give life.

They are by all accounts and technicalities, Beastmen, however the Aarakocra themselves are blessed with a superior brain. Their minds far above the monsters and beasts they have been wrongly branded as. They have established themselves in the sky cities of Verra’Talu. Calling Drift their homeland. Which makes a lot of sense really.

Messengers Like no Other

Always there is work for the Aaracockra. The sprawling lands of Verra'Talu stretches many miles and messages are often slow to arrive. For the Aarakocra the distance means naught. Blessed with the ability of flight and extremes of speed their wings often make them the perfect species for carrying messages. In truth writing these chronicles has shown me how valuable the Messengers Guild really is. The Aarakocra have yet to misplaced or lose a single letter or missive from my other endevours. Could the same be said for a man on Flumph-Back?

It is not unusual to look to the sky during festivals and celebrations to see the Aaracokra soaring through the open air, to and fro from cities near and far. Delivering unspeakable secrets from their masters hands or parcels to dear and distant relatives. In fact, it was this skill that led to the very establishment of the Messengers Guild in 413 After the Pulse. During the Grain Grabbbing the Aaracokra built grand and long lasting establishments for their guild. They built this guild to serve as message relays for the rations and bread supplies of the kingdom. These large multi-leveled structures resemble a birdcage or bird feeder to most. Often be found in the greatest cities of Verra'Talu, and are tasked with ensuring messages are delivered between the citizens of the land on a daily basis.


Against any Obstacle

To become a messenger of the guild is no easy feat. In my research I have found almost 85% of the guild is made up of Aaracockra. When asking them about this heavy skewing they say it is due to the guilds harsh entry requirements. The guild has always held to the belief that there are no borders, no hostile lands, no place that cannot be reached. Only routes the messenger need follow. Foolish perhaps, but you have to admire their courage.

To become a member of the guild, one must navigate the harsh land of the Storm Wall. Watching a young Aaracockra attempt his trial was heart-stopping. I was warned not to intervene, and it took all my self-control not to. They start in the early morning taking flight from the nearby town of Holbeck, crossing the river they fly through the lands of Paha into the Storm Wall. Here they meet the most deadly of challenges. They dodge, duck and weave. Through the threat of lightning bolts scorching their wings forever present; as is the threat of being shot down or worse still captured by beastial hordes of Paha. After braving the Storm Wall, they must find and land on the sky city known as Drift. Upon arrival, fledgling members report to the guild headquarters. Only after completing this task do they become a fully affiliated member of the guild. the perks of such position are plentiful. No border guard has dared to stop an Aaracokra. I’ve seen some not even get their papers checked and others just simply waved through. See as i said. True freedom rests with the sky people. The Aaracokra.

Fairy Guide.png

A diet of worms and wrigglies

I once had the privilege of dining with the Aarakocra in the Messengers Guild Headquarters in Drift. What a banquet that was, but alas I could not stomach the food. If you are of a weak disposition I strongly suggest you turn down any invite from the bird people their diet is mostly small edible worms of varying sizes and hues. Edible plants that are sour to the taste and cling to the roof of your mouth, and their drink is sweeter than anything I have ever tasted. They say it's all edible but too this day I am not quite sure.
Traditional Music:
  Spices Divide:
Plumes (Male) / Pen (Female)   Average Lifespan:
3 - 10 Years   Customs:
  • Aarakocra punctuate their speech with *Chirp*, *pop* and, *Click* sounds.
  • Aarakocra do not respect or even regonise boarders between lands, for who owns the sky?
  • An Aarakocra will reach maturity age 3, at which point he is likely to join the Messengers Guild, 90% do.
Naming Conventions Most Names of the Aarakocra lend themselves to an Onamatapeic tone. Their name sounds very much what they are famous for in the early stages of their birth.   Examples Include
Splash, Plop, Chirp, Crunch

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Ability Score Increase +2 Dex, +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 25ft (Base Walking Speed) 50ft (Flying)

Alignment Most aarakocra are good and rarely choose sides when it comes to law and chaos. Tribal leaders and warriors might be lawful, while explorers and adventurers might tend toward chaotic.   Size Aarakocra are about 5 feet tall. They have thin, lightweight bodies that weigh between 80 and 100 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Speed Your base walking speed is 25 feet.   Flight You have a flying speed of 50 feet. To use this speed, you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.   Talons You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit.

Languages. Languages
You can speak, read, and write Common, Aarakocra, and Auran.


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