Avidians Species in Veron | World Anvil
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Far to the north of both Norvus and Serropa lies a land inhabited by the Anthro-Avidia, or Avidians for short. A peaceful and industrious people, they are the second-most prominent species on Veron.

Basic Information


Avidians are a winged species that sports plumage of wildly varying colors. Their hollow bones make them fragile, but light enough to fly quickly and easily.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

If you meet an avid on the street, You're more than likely talking to a person of one of three professions: A farmer, a Porter, or a wanderer.   First off, avids are a predominantly agricultural society, rooted in deep tradition that goes back almost to before the Old Wars. Most avidian families are farmers and sons of farmers that go back for generations.   Of course all of those farmers produce much more food and textiles than the avids themselves need, so most of them choose to export to neighboring countries in exchange for more modern goods such as medicine and refined metals, which is where the Porters come in. Merchants and Skyraft captains make up the second-largest subset of the avid population.   Lastly, there are always those among the avids who are struck with an unquenchable wanderlust and curiosity for what's just behind the horizon. Among these are inventors, scholars, and young warriors who long to test their mettle in a world where their race has all but forgotten the art of battle.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Avidian culture can seem backward to some; They use very little currency when dealing with eachother, opting instead for the bartering system. Homes are traditionally public places and it's not uncommon for strangers to bunk on the couch for the night or pop in for dinner uninvited. However, the implicit obligation of the stranger in such situations is to help with the work that needs to be done around the house like they were a member of the household themselves.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Avidians are a peaceful race, and very willing to accommodate strangers of any species in their midst. They are wary of Mantis, however, because of their tendency to catch and eat the avidian's smaller genetic cousins.
Scientific Name
60 years

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Ability Score Increase +1 WIS +2 DEX
Size Medium
Speed 25ft.

Wings When not wearing medium or heavy armor, you have a flight speed of 50 feet.

Languages. You speak Common and Avid


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Jun 15, 2020 16:00 by R. Dylon Elder

Very nice! I like how they adapted ways to get modern goods through trading crops. It's interesting how the wanderlust found in some leads them to being warriors despite not being very warlike.   I always ask this if I don't see it, do they have Ethnic groups? Are there one or two small patches of avidians that are warlike? Im also curious about what their art looks like. Do they have like golden feathers they wear as jewelry or perhaps silver plates on their beaks to show their wealth? Do they even care about showing off in the first place, given the fact that they don't use much currencym Its ab awesome species and ideas love to more about them.

Jun 16, 2020 08:06

I will think about potential avid ethnic groups!   Whatever jewelry Avids wear would probably have to be very light to allow for flight. If there is any gold, it's probably very thin; maybe plated over wood. The most popular pieces could be representations of their family tree. I Kinda like the idea of 'tattooing' your beak with silver or gold leaf.

Jun 16, 2020 15:27 by R. Dylon Elder

Ooooo silver and gold leaf! Yes, I mean you could do alot of cool things with that. Golden flakes to make it look like they shimmer when they fly, decorated beaks, oooof. Excellent idea