Araben's Time Theory in Vernelis | World Anvil

Araben's Time Theory

Time Theory is a modern, abstract interpretation of the function of Time in dimensions higher than the Universe's 3+1 (Three spatial plus one time). This theory references the "main" timeline as Reality, though the term is relative and could be considered from other timelines in which living creatures exist.


Time Theory considers that there are timelines just like Reality, flowing in a single direction through time. Each timeline is called a Strand, and each one flows parallel to Reality with its own three-dimensional space in which a Universe could inhabit. It's believed most do not contain Universes, and are instead completely empty voids.

The Immense
For it to be possible for Strands to flow parallel to each other, that must mean that an extra dimension exists, allowing a new "direction" that separates them.

Just as each four-dimensional Strand contains every three-dimensional point of space within across its complete duration, The Immense is thought to be the plane in which every four-dimensional Strand is held, a colossal five-dimensional expanse of space-time that stretches perpendicular to the flow of Time.

In Time Theory, The Immense is the highest plane of existance, containing all Strands across it.


Alfas Araben, a Drolian scientist who studied under Saturn himself, published the components of his theory in Pluvur of 1723 TA,
Theory Focus
Function of Time
Alfas Araben
Date Created
1723 TA

Cover image: by Sebastian Wagner


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Oct 2, 2021 20:50

I love this article, well written.

Graylion - Nexus   Roleplaying
not Ruleplaying
not Rollplaying
Oct 13, 2021 14:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

This makes my brain hurt in a good way XD

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet