Tiefling Species in Verdun | World Anvil


Tieflings are the product of an unholy pact with the Demon Lord of the Abyss, Abaddon in -1368. Originally bound to Abaddon's service, tieflings have since gained their freedom and struggle to reintegrate and mend relations with the other civilizations of Verdun. Tieflings are more known for their devilish physical characteristics, owing to their origin of birth. As a result, it is hard for tieflings to hide their identity and face constant prejudice and persecution.  


Tieflings are easily recognized by their fiendish appearance, notably their horns and distinct skin tones. Most tieflings range from 5'2"-5'10" in height. In addition to their horns and skin, tieflings have a variety of physical characters that can manifest as a result of their infernal bloodlines. This could include large, blade-like claws, leathery wings that protude from the back, cloven feet or a powerful spaded tail. A tiefling can weigh anywhere from about 130–180 lbs. Tieflings have a wide variety of skin, eye, and hair colors. Typically their skins is various shades of red or orange but it isn't unheard of to see pale blue or grey skinned tieflings. Golden and red eyes are common throughout the race with blue, silver and even black possible.  


Tieflings are not a natural race to Verdun and were created by the unholy union between the other races and the Demon Lord of the Abyss, Abaddon. Tieflings are the direct result of a complete transformation of body and soul by those who pledged themselves to Abaddon's service.   At the onset of the Age of Shadows in -1368, when the avatar of Abaddon was summoned into the world, he demanded that the inhabitants of the Black City submit to his power or face damnation. Those who willingly gave themselves to Abaddon were transforms into hideous corruptions of their former selves, their souls inextricably linked with the Sanctums of Hell itself. They were bound to his service and forced to do his bidding for the next 400 years.   In -988 when the Spellstone of Sagaria was destroyed and the avatar of Abaddon with it, the link between the tieflings and Abaddon was severed, granting them freedom from their incorporeal bond. Their hellish tendencies lingered for centuries, persisting the idea that they were feral servants of darkness with a natural inclination towards malevolence. Over time, however, their souls were washed of their tainted origins with each generation, but the scorn and intolerance from the other races drove the tieflings to become jaded and similarly hateful of others. Relations between tieflings and the races of Verdun continue to suffer to this day.  


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