Ereos Ethnicity in Verdraxis | World Anvil
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The lands of Ereos are steeped in myth and legends from the times of the ancient titans. It is said that when the gods came to reclaim Verdraxis, Ereos is where the titans made their last stand. The people believe that the titan prison known as Tartarus is hidden somewhere deep beneath the earth, and it is their duty to keep it that way.   Twist of Fate: Not all titans were evil, and some Ereosins believe that the spirits of the more benevolent titans still watch over them. Once per day you may re-roll a failed ability check or saving throw. You must keep the new result.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Amaryllis, Angeliki, Dionissia, Isidora, Korinna, Lambrini, Petroula, Polina, Savvina, Zenovia

Masculine names

Apostolos, Athanasios, Georgios, Makis, Nasos, Nikos, Photios, Romanos, Stamatios, Yanni

Family names

Artinos, Chontos, Demetriou, Georgios, Kellis, Makos, Papalias, Rodis, Varelas, Zaros


Major language groups and dialects

The Ereos language is a dialect of common that is smattered with words and phrases borrowed from Giant and celestial.

Shared customary codes and values

The people of Ereos form a lawful society, often obeying the rule of "philosopher kings" who are chosen by a council for being the wisest among them. They have a strong view over what is right and what is wrong, and will work as a community in order to advance what they believe to be the grater good.

Common Dress code

Both men and women wear togas, a roughly semicircular cloth, between 12 and 20 feet in length, draped over the shoulders and around the body. It is usually woven from white wool, and worn over a tunic.

Art & Architecture

Ancient ruins left behind from the time of the titan's rule heavily influence the art and architecture of Ereos. Temples that were once dedicated to these false gods stand in ruins across the land as a testament of their durability. The polished marble pillars and carved sculptures have withstood the test of time and are often mimicked in modern Ereosin craftsmanship.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Women play a major role in funeral rites. They are in charge of preparing the body, which is washed, anointed and adorned with a wreath. A coin is then placed in the mouth of the deceased. This is said to be a bribe to the ferry man to insure their soul is brought to the appropriate afterlife. After the body was prepared, it was laid out for viewing on the second day. Family members arrive to mourn  by chanting dirges. Before dawn on the third day, the funeral procession is formed to carry the body to the nearest river. The body is then sent down stream where it is believed they are carried to their final resting place. Afterwards, a funeral feast is held. The deceased is the host, and this feast is a sign of gratitude towards those who took part in burying him.   Performing the correct rituals for the dead is essential, for assuring their successful passage into the afterlife. Unhappy revenants could be provoked by failures of the living to attend properly to either the rite of passage or continued maintenance through graveside libations and offerings.

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