Session 20: Tower of Terror Report Report in Venya | World Anvil

Session 20: Tower of Terror Report

Written by Yerran

General Summary

The portal key was ready, but were our adventurers. They had fulfilled their task. They'd discovered the cause of the disappearance and put an end to the corruption of the soul gems by smashing them all to dust. But something was still out there, seeking to gain entrance to The Elyswer . Seeking a foothold.

Misxibis Ithopios and Tyrvaan wished to see it through till the end, despite the risks of a two sided portal key, while Zips merely wanted to get out of the forest. Zylnan Ceda ignited the crystal and they jumped through with Ellywick, while Sanyeal stayed behind to guard their return.

A cold stone tower greeted them, littered with refuse and decaying bones, and naught but darkness filled the corridors. Even a glance through the huge arrow slits revealed a mist covered ocean and the outlines of dead trees below. Though Zips didn't feel the unease the others felt, screaming for her friend Missy moments after arriving and alerting the nearby corpse eaters, that flew into action and assaulted the party, only to be soundly slain.

Ellywick stayed to find the crystal that must have been discarded nearby while the others crept on, sneaking through the thick crumbling stone and into a decrepit prison block. Alerted to the sound of crying Misxibis journeyed down a side path, finding the corpse of a human wizard beside a sobbing fairy, Lelina. She warned Missy of the Corpse Eater's trap but Zips alerted another in a different cell causing both to shift and attack.

Missy smashed the door open and grabbed the fairy pulling her out, while its form writhed and it turned into the horror it truly was. Meanwhile the other crashed into the gate slamming it onto Zips who valiantly held it back as it sought to tear its prey through the bars. A white-elf trapped in the room, called Tareal grabbed up Zips rapier and slashed at the creature as Tyrvaan and Zylnan came thundering down the corridor in aid of their friends. The battle was fierce but never in contest and the party vanquished the two horrors, before taking the rescued back to Ellywick. Allowing them to step through and return to the Mystmore.

Though they told of their abduction and others that had died in the tower since they'd arrived. Whatever is underway here is an abomination and must be stopped. For who knows what these puppet masters have in mind for the Mystmore and beyond.

Follow to find out more about our adventurers and what will happen in 'Tower of Terror: Part 2'.


43rd of Jolgine, 2501 AC
(By Elven calendars)
Ancient Powers and Shattered Realms
Misxibis Ithopios
Zylnan Ceda
chaotic neutral Half-Elf (Haunted One)
Warlock 5
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
04 Jun 2023
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Ellywick Redleaf
  Arch-Feydruid Sanyeal


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