Geography of Sabal Geographic Location in Venya | World Anvil

Geography of Sabal

Sabal is largely desert with, though the type differs around the country. In the skyline is split with stacks and mesas, many of which contain creatures and settlements. The center is huge dunes, almost as tall as mountains as far as the eye can see. In the north where the sand of the dunes seems to run out it becomes hard packed and sun baked. Cactic grow to forest sizes and beyond in the north as they have the cool wind from the east and the remnants of the storms from the Maelstrom. In the west along the coast the sand becomes almost soil, constantly sodden and sticky, though still unable to support plant life, much like in most parts of Sabal.
Climate: Desert, Arid
Freak Weather: Massive Sandstorms (central region), Magical Imbued Thunderstorms and Hurricanes (west coast region, focused on the north-west

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