The Shifting Sands Geographic Location in Venya | World Anvil

The Shifting Sands

The Shifting Sands fill the eastern part of Sabal, and are a geographical anomaly, though none have been able to divine what created such a place. The sands ebb and flow much like the ocean. Any that stand upon it will sink as if on water and boats will float and pass, their sails propelled by wind. Huge dunes undulate like waves and creatures more suited to the ocean break the surface of the sand either looking for prey or running from something. Whatever created this place it has attracted buccaneers and privateers alike, as well as the watchful eyes of Sabal. Epic battles and fights have broken out between the sand-pirates of Karos, the last free people in Sabal, and government forces in Redwatch as they seek to eradicate their troublesome foes.


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