Bestiary February '23 in Vendar | World Anvil

Bestiary February '23

Stories of wild beasts

Wings on the Arcanite cast a big shadow on its prey.

The sun beat down on the arid wasteland, its rays illuminating the battle below. The creature was a marvel to behold - its leathery wings spanned at least ten feet, each tipped with sharp claws that glinted in the light. The sound of its deafening roar filled the air, echoing across the dunes and sending a shiver down the spines of all who heard it.   As the creature swooped down, its wings stirring up a dust storm in its wake, a lone warrior stood his ground, a gleaming sword in his hand. With a fierce determination in his eyes, he raised the weapon and charged towards the beast.   The creature let out another ear-splitting roar, but the warrior didn't falter. He leapt into the air, his sword flashing in the sun, and drove it into the monster's heart. The creature let out a final, pitiful cry, its wings flapping frantically as it fell to the ground.   With the creature defeated, the warrior stood tall, his chest heaving with the thrill of victory. He gazed up at the sky, watching as the sun slowly disappeared below the horizon, painting the sky with a brilliant blend of orange and red. A warm breeze blew past him, and he knew that he had truly succeeded - he had conquered the beast and claimed his place as the greatest warrior of all time.

Stripes of the Streakstalker are the last thing you see.

The creature is named the Streakstalker, and it prowls the skies with its sleek, muscular build and bold black stripes covering its body. The sun is setting, casting an orange glow across the battlefield as the Streakstalker swoops down, its massive wings creating a deafening whoosh.   The sound of clashing weapons and battle cries fills the air, but the Streakstalker pays no heed, honing in on its target. With a fierce roar, it dives, its sharp talons extended, ready to tear through armor and flesh alike. The warriors below brace themselves for the impact, but in this moment of chaos, no one is safe from the power of the Streakstalker.
by Shadyj

The Horn from the Hornbearer is said to have magical properties.

The sun was setting on the horizon, casting a warm glow across the battlefield. A light breeze whispered through the trees, rustling the leaves and carrying the scent of wildflowers. In the distance, a mighty roar echoed across the valley, announcing the arrival of the magical creature with a horn.   The creature was a magnificent sight to behold, its sleek black body covered in glittering golden scales. A sharp, spiraled horn jutted out from its forehead, a symbol of its power and ferocity. Its massive wingspan spanned the width of the valley, the tips of its feathers brushing the trees as it swooped down to engage its enemies.   As it descended, the creature let out a deafening roar, its voice like thunder as it challenged its opponents. With a single beat of its wings, it launched itself into the fray, its horn leading the charge as it barreled towards the enemy line.   The battle was intense and chaotic, with the creature's horn slicing through armor and weapons alike as it fought to protect its territory. But despite its strength and ferocity, it was eventually brought down, its body collapsing to the ground as the last of its life drained away.   And as the sun disappeared below the horizon, the valley fell silent, the only sounds the rustling of leaves and the soft whispers of the wind. For the creature with the horn, the battle was over, but its legacy would live on, a symbol of power and bravery for generations to come. The creature was named the "Hornbearer".

The Shell on the Shellhorns head is nearly indestructible.

The sun was setting behind the mountains, casting an orange glow over the rugged terrain. A gentle breeze whispered through the grass, carrying with it the scent of rain. The sky overhead was a deep shade of blue, speckled with stars that twinkled like diamonds. Suddenly, the tranquility was broken by the sound of clattering shells.   Out of the shadows emerged a magnificent creature, its body covered in a protective armor of overlapping plates. It had a sturdy frame and stood on four powerful legs, each one ending in sharp claws. Its eyes glimmered with a fierce intelligence, and upon its head sat a massive, shell over its head with wholes for its eyes and mouth and nose.   The beast was a Shellhorn, a mythical and formidable creature. It snorted, unleashing a gale-force gust from its nostrils, and bellowed a thunderous roar that resounded throughout the valley. The sound challenged all who dared to confront it. The aura around the Shellhorn pulsed, and its shape shifted, blurring into a streak of motion as it launched into a full-fledged charge, determined to protect its domain.

Colorful is one way to describe the mythical RainbowBeast

The sky was painted in brilliant shades of orange and pink as the sun began to set, casting an ethereal glow over the forest below. A rustling in the bushes caught the attention of a nearby adventurer, and they drew their sword, ready for anything.   Suddenly, a massive, colorful creature burst forth from the foliage, its wings spread wide, each feather a different hue of the rainbow. It was a Rainbowbeast, a rare and powerful magical being, known for its shimmering scales and iridescent feathers. The Rainbowbeast let out a deafening roar, the sound ringing out across the valley and echoing through the trees. Its powerful wings beat the air, stirring up a gust of wind as it took to the sky, hovering above the adventurer, ready for a fight.   The Rainbowbeast's eyes glowed with an inner fire, its sharp claws extended, and it let out another roar, a challenge to anyone who dared to cross its path. The air shimmered around the Rainbowbeast, as it began to circle the adventurer, its colorful scales shimmering in the dying light of day. The adventurer tightened their grip on their sword, ready for the coming battle, and the Rainbowbeast charged forward, ready to defend its territory.

The Nocturnal Wisp is as pretty as it is mysterious.

by Shadyj
The sun had set hours ago, and the moon was high in the sky, casting its silver light over the forest. The air was still and quiet, with only the occasional hoot of an owl breaking the silence. The forest was home to many creatures, but tonight, the focus was on one in particular – the Nocturnal Wisp.   The Nocturnal Wisp was a rare and elusive magical creature that only came out at night. It was a mass of swirling, glittering lights that pulsed and danced through the air. Its appearance was mesmerizing, but it was also dangerous.   As the characters made their way through the forest, they suddenly heard a low hum that grew louder with each passing moment. They cautiously made their way towards the source of the sound, weapons at the ready. As they emerged from the trees, they found themselves face to face with the Nocturnal Wisp.   "What is that?" one of the characters whispered, their voice filled with awe and fear.
The Nocturnal Wisp hovered in the air, its lights flashing in the darkness. Its hum grew louder, and its movements became more frenzied. The characters could feel the tension building, knowing that they were facing a powerful and unpredictable creature. "Stay back," one of them warned, brandishing their weapon. "This thing is dangerous."   But the Nocturnal Wisp was not easily deterred. It swooped down, its lights growing brighter and its hum growing louder. The characters tried to defend themselves, but the Nocturnal Wisp was too quick and agile for them. They stumbled back, dodging its attacks and trying to find an opening.   As the Nocturnal Wisp closed in, the characters' fear turned to determination. They stood their ground, ready to defend themselves at all costs. The Nocturnal Wisp swooped down, its lights blinding and its hum deafening.   There was a moment of silence, followed by a bright flash of light. The Nocturnal Wisp was gone, and the characters were left standing in the darkness, panting and shaken. They looked around, but there was no sign of the creature.   "Did we... did we defeat it?" one of them asked, their voice trembling.   There was a moment of silence, then a rustling in the bushes. The Nocturnal Wisp emerged, its lights still flashing but its movements slower and less frenzied. It hovered in the air for a moment, then suddenly shot upwards and disappeared into the night sky.   The characters breathed a sigh of relief, but also felt a sense of wonder and awe. They had faced a powerful and mysterious creature and come out unscathed. As they made their way back through the forest, they couldn't help but look over their shoulders, wondering what other secrets the night held.

Mythical is the creature known as the Shadow Stalker.

The sun had set long ago, casting the forest in darkness. A full moon hung low in the sky, illuminating the trees with a silver glow. The forest was eerily quiet, except for the occasional rustle of leaves in the wind.   Suddenly, a figure appeared from the shadows. It was the mythical creature, known only as the Shadow Stalker. With its ghostly white fur and piercing red eyes, it seemed to glow in the moonlight. Its body was lithe and sinuous, and it moved with an otherworldly grace.   The characters cautiously approached the Shadow Stalker, their weapons at the ready. But the creature didn't seem to be aggressive, instead it simply stood there, watching them with its unblinking gaze.   "What is that thing?" one of the characters whispered.   "A legend come to life," replied another, fear and awe in their voice.
by Shadyj
Suddenly, the Shadow Stalker sprang into action, its movements so fast that it was like watching a blur. The characters fought back, their swords clashing against the creature's sharp claws. "I don't think I've ever seen anything like this," one of the characters yelled, their voice trembling with fear.   The climax of the battle was intense, with the Shadow Stalker's mystical powers matching the characters' swords blow for blow. In the end, the outcome was uncertain, with both sides left battered and exhausted.   As the aftermath of the confrontation settled in, the characters were left to wonder what had just happened. Had they truly faced a creature from the realm of myth, or had their imaginations run wild?   The sounds of the battle echoed through the forest, the roars of the Shadow Stalker and the clanging of swords ringing in their ears. The emotions of the characters were heightened, fear and wonder battling for dominance. They had encountered the mystical and unknown, and their lives would never be the same.

Don't be the Prey of the Thornbear

In a dense forest far from civilization, there lived a powerful and feared magical creature known as the Thornbear. The Thornbear was a massive bear with razor-sharp thorns growing all over its body, making it nearly impossible for any prey to escape once it had its sights set on them. The forest creatures lived in fear of the Thornbear and did everything they could to avoid its wrath.   One day, a small group of adventurers stumbled upon the forest while on a quest to find a rare and valuable artifact. Unaware of the danger they were in, they pressed on, eager to complete their mission. As they trekked deeper into the forest, they suddenly heard a blood-curdling roar in the distance. It was the Thornbear.   The adventurers quickly realized they were in trouble and started to run, but it was too late. The Thornbear was already on their trail, its massive form crashing through the trees as it closed in on its prey. The adventurers frantically searched for a place to hide, but the Thornbear was too fast.
by Shadyj
As the Thornbear closed in, the adventurers prepared for their final stand. They brandished their weapons and took up defensive positions, determined to fight for their lives. The Thornbear roared and lunged, its razor-sharp thorns glinting in the sun. The adventurers struck back with everything they had, their weapons clashing against the Thornbear's tough hide.   The battle was intense and lasted for what felt like an eternity. The sound of clanging steel and the Thornbear's roar echoed throughout the forest as the two sides clashed. Finally, with one final burst of energy, the adventurers managed to strike the killing blow. The Thornbear let out a final roar and crumpled to the ground, defeated.   The aftermath of the confrontation was chaotic. The adventurers were exhausted and battered, but grateful to be alive. They took a moment to catch their breath and assess their injuries before continuing on their quest. As they left the forest, they couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer power of the Thornbear they had defeated.   From that day on, the story of the Thornbear and the group of adventurers who defeated it became a legend in the forest, inspiring future generations to be brave and to never give up in the face of danger.

Monstrous creatures are everywhere.

The sun was setting over the dense forest, casting a warm glow over the underbrush. The air was humid and heavy, filled with the sounds of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl. In the distance, a massive figure could be seen, its dark silhouette towering over the trees. This was the home of a monstrous, legendary creature feared by all who lived in these woods, know only as the monster.   As the hunters approached the creature's lair, their nerves were on edge. They had heard stories of the creature's power and ferocity, and they knew that this would be a dangerous mission. But they were determined to bring the monster down, no matter the cost.   The Monstrous creature was unlike anything they had ever seen. Its body was covered in thick, matted fur, and its eyes glowed red in the fading light. Its massive jaws were filled with razor-sharp teeth, and its roar echoed through the forest, shaking the trees to their roots.   The hunters stood their ground, weapons at the ready. They knew that they had to act quickly and decisively if they hoped to bring down the Monster. With a roar of their own, they charged forward, weapons drawn.
The fight was brutal and intense. The Monster swiped its massive claws at the hunters, sending them flying through the air. But they refused to give up, fighting back with everything they had. Swords and axes clashed against the creature's thick hide, but it seemed to have no effect. Just when it seemed like the hunters were losing the fight, one of them managed to land a lucky blow, cutting deep into the Monster's shoulder. The creature roared in pain and rage, and the hunters took advantage of the opportunity to press their attack.   Finally, with a final burst of energy, the hunters brought the Monster down. Its massive body hit the ground with a thud, and the forest fell silent. The hunters stood over the creature's lifeless body, gasping for air and covered in its blood.   As they made their way back to the village, the hunters were greeted as heroes. They had faced the Monster and lived to tell the tale, and their bravery would be remembered for generations to come. But as they sat by the fire that night, they couldn't help but think about the price they had paid to bring the creature down. They had lost friends and comrades in the fight, and they knew that they would never forget the terror of facing the Monstrous creature.

Can you stay out of Danger?

As Sarah and Tom navigated their way through the jungle, they knew that they were venturing into dangerous territory. The dense foliage and unpredictable terrain made every step treacherous, and they were constantly on high alert, aware that danger could be lurking around every corner.   Their senses were heightened as they continued their pursuit of the unknown creature that had been wreaking havoc on the nearby villages. They knew that they were putting themselves in harm's way, but their determination to put an end to the danger drove them forward.   As they moved deeper into the jungle, the danger grew more palpable. The sounds of rustling bushes and growling animals filled the air, and they could feel their adrenaline surging as they braced themselves for a potential attack.   Their nerves were put to the test when they suddenly heard a low growling sound coming from the bushes ahead of them. They froze in their tracks, their hearts pounding with fear, as they waited to see what danger awaited them.   Their worst fears were confirmed when a massive creature emerged from the underbrush, its razor-sharp teeth and scaly skin a clear indication of the danger it posed. Sarah and Tom knew that they were in grave danger, but they stood their ground, their guns at the ready.   The danger intensified as the creature let out a deafening roar and charged at them. Sarah and Tom fired their guns in a desperate attempt to fend off the creature, but their bullets proved to be ineffective against its scaly hide.   They were forced to run, their hearts racing as they heard the creature's thundering footsteps behind them. The danger was ever-present, and they knew that they were running out of options.   But just as they thought they were about to meet their demise, the danger was suddenly averted. A helicopter appeared overhead, and a team of armed soldiers descended to their rescue.   As they looked back at the retreating creature, Sarah and Tom knew that they had just narrowly escaped a brush with extreme danger. The jungle was no place for the faint of heart, and they knew that they had to be prepared for whatever dangers awaited them in their pursuit of the unknown creature.

Do you hear the Purr?

As the sun set over the abandoned laboratory, the air grew chilly and the wind began to howl. The sound of rustling leaves and creaking metal filled the air, and the hairs on the back of Alex's neck stood on end. He knew that he was in for a dangerous night. Alex had been sent to the laboratory to investigate strange reports of a creature that had been spotted in the area. The creature was said to be massive, with razor-sharp claws and teeth, and an insatiable hunger for human flesh. Alex knew that he had to be careful, but he was determined to get to the bottom of the mystery.   As he made his way through the darkened hallways of the laboratory, Alex's senses were on high alert. He could hear the sound of his own heart pounding in his chest, and he could feel his palms growing slick with sweat.   Suddenly, he heard a sound that made him freeze in his tracks. It was a soft, low purring sound, and it was coming from somewhere up ahead. Alex's hand went to his gun, and he crept forward, trying to get a better look.   And then, he saw it.   The creature was massive, just as he had been warned. Its fur was sleek and black, and it had piercing green eyes that glowed in the darkness. But instead of snarling and baring its teeth, the creature was purring softly, its massive body swaying back and forth in a hypnotic rhythm.   Alex didn't know what to make of the creature's behavior. It seemed almost...friendly. But he knew better than to let his guard down. He raised his gun, ready to defend himself if necessary.   And then, the creature spoke.   "Hello, Alex," it said, its voice surprisingly soft and soothing. "I've been expecting you."   Alex was taken aback. He had never heard of a creature that could speak before. But before he could respond, the creature pounced.   In a blur of fur and claws, the creature attacked, its massive body slamming into Alex with the force of a freight train. They tumbled to the ground, and Alex fought for his life, his gun forgotten as he struggled to stay alive.   But as the creature's claws dug into his flesh, Alex heard something that made his blood run cold. The creature was purring.   It was as if the creature was enjoying the fight. And as Alex struggled to break free, he knew that he was in for a long night.   In the end, it was Alex who emerged victorious. He managed to dodge the creature's attacks, and with one well-placed shot, he put an end to the creature's reign of terror.   As he limped away from the laboratory, his body battered and bruised, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The creature may have been defeated, but there were surely more out there like it. And as long as they remained a mystery, the danger would never truly be gone.

When you hear the Roar its already to late.

It was the dead of night, and a thick fog had descended upon the dense forest. The only light came from the full moon shining through the trees. The air was damp and cold, with the sound of crickets chirping in the distance.   Suddenly, a loud roar echoed through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle and shake. A creature had appeared, standing over ten feet tall with razor-sharp claws and teeth as long as a man's forearm. Its fur was a deep shade of black, and its eyes glowed an eerie red.   The group of explorers froze in terror, realizing they were face to face with a creature they had never seen before. The creature slowly walked towards them, its massive paws crunching the leaves beneath its feet.   As the creature approached, the tension mounted. One of the explorers, a seasoned hunter, pulled out his shotgun, aiming it at the creature. The creature let out another ear-piercing roar, causing the hunter to hesitate for just a moment.   But that moment was all the creature needed. It lunged towards the group, its claws swiping at the hunter. The hunter narrowly dodged, firing off a shot that barely grazed the creature's shoulder.   The creature howled in pain, but it was far from defeated. It continued to attack, swiping its claws and biting at the group. The sound of their screams echoed through the forest, mixing with the creature's deafening roars.   The group fought back, firing their weapons and dodging the creature's attacks. One of them, a young woman, threw a rock at the creature, hitting it squarely in the face. The creature let out another roar, this one even louder than before.   As the group fought back with all their might, they realized too late that the creature was too powerful to be defeated. Its skin was too thick for their weapons to penetrate, and its strength was too great for them to overpower it. One by one, the explorers fell, succumbing to the creature's ferocious attacks. The hunter's shotgun ran out of bullets, and he was left defenseless as the creature swiped at him, tearing his body to shreds.   The young woman who had thrown the rock tried to run, but the creature was too fast. It grabbed her by the leg, pulling her back and sinking its teeth into her flesh.   The forest was now eerily silent, save for the creature's triumphant roars. It stood over the bodies of the defeated explorers, blood dripping from its jaws.   The creature had won, and the forest would forever be its domain. The memory of its roar would serve as a warning to anyone who dared to enter its territory.

Predator or prey?

The sun had just set, casting an orange glow over the dense jungle. The air was thick with the sounds of crickets and other nocturnal creatures. In the heart of the jungle, a small creature was scurrying along the forest floor. Its small, delicate body was covered in a sleek, golden fur, and it had large, round ears that twitched at every sound.   The creature was on high alert, sensing that danger was near. It knew that it was not alone in the jungle and that it was likely being stalked by a predator.   Suddenly, the bushes rustled, and the creature froze in place. Out of the foliage emerged a massive predator, its eyes locked onto the small creature. The predator was at least ten times the size of the prey, and its sharp teeth glistened in the dim light.   The prey tried to run, but it was no match for the predator's speed. The predator leaped forward, its jaws snapping shut around the prey. The small creature let out a high-pitched shriek as it was lifted into the air.   The predator's powerful jaws crushed the prey's body, and it swallowed the small creature whole. The predator let out a satisfied roar as it savored its meal.   As the predator walked away, the jungle was silent once again, save for the sound of its footsteps. The small creature was gone, consumed by the mightier predator. The cycle of life and death in the jungle continued, with one predator taking down the other.

Cover image: by Shadyj


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